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TONCOIN Thread - What is it, how to mine, how to OC, how to exchange

Right at the moment you’ll get 0.32 TON/GH, yes… Look here.

Just NOW the pool of does 0.36 TON/GH :wink:

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Why the big drop! and. what is the min withdrawal fro tonuniverse. IS IT 5 TONS?


Hello gunzer, I’ve sent you a TON as a gift for giving us this thread. I hope you received it. Happy mining !

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Minimum withdrawal at tonuniverse is 1 TON. Supply and demand … hence the drop.

I received it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Thank you very much!
The main thing is that I could help! :wink:

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You will have a good stash overtime, deserved ! :joy::joy:

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Got these plus a 1080ti running hashing 12.5gh/s. not too bad

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Really nice, buddy! Puuh, 320 watts is already a house number! :smiley:

I have problem i wanted to send ton to okex from keeper but okex has comment and in sending option in keeper there is no comment field, i sent 2 ton to okex just with address but didn’t arrive… Can u say me how i can send ton to okex without comment numbers and how many are minimum for sending?

Charlie you could get more hash from 3070 Ti.
My card make 3.050-3.128 GH with core 200 mem 0 pl 220

Hi, i dont understand how you can find “tonunivers” in the list :s

What do you mean by not profitable?

Just write the word tonuniverse in the field :wink:

As I understand it, it is imperative to leave a comment. There is no getting around it. Without fill out the comment field your TONs will disappear in Nomansland :man_shrugging:

:wink: I think what he is saying is that mining ETH at -2000 memclock is not profitable at all…

Unfortunately no, it is not in the list and is automatically deleted as I write it down. Should we force an installation on hiveos?

I put “Ton” (for the coin) and it works.

Yes, but it will be temperature increase and fans become 100%, while disturbing my sleep :slight_smile: as it is in my bedroom.

i recently switch from ETH to TONCOIN for experiment.
here my OC setting with AMD 6600xt and 6700xt
i hope its useful


Hi i mine on TON Whales pools since yesterday and all work perfect, ecpect some share failurs.

You have to loock in the correct Pool bot, there is the TON-Pool Bot and the Whales-Pool Bot.
I mine in the Whales Pool so i use the Whales pool bot. When you tyoe in /, you see all commands you need.

As wallet i use the Chrome addon on my PC on the Tonkeeper App on my Android.

Here my cards in Hiveos. I use Lolminer1.41b

Here is my Asus Strix 1080 A8G i use on my Win11 PC and also Lolminer1,41b.


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