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TONCOIN Thread - What is it, how to mine, how to OC, how to exchange

I advertise what?! :rofl: Man, just read the whole post - and not just the headlines! I advertise nothing! Itā€™s all about your decision on which pool you mine. :man_facepalming: I even wrote that the values are changing every minuteā€¦!

It works good many thanks for the info, solved the CPU temp + 1 more GH on 5 gpu.

Can you send me your TON Address so I can send you a TON?


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What is different between ton and tonuniverse?

I made wallet with Toncoin (normal) and as adress my id from bot.
then in flightsheet in configure pool, i use lolminer, but in serveradress i use (no more)
no more and it all works fine

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The problem was, among other things, the miner itself, which works very CPU-heavy. lolMiner doesnā€™t do that and is now less prone to errors in version 1.41b! :wink:
Just to be clear: NO ONE HAS TO SEND ME ANY TONCOINS! It is of course very honorable and I thank you very much for it, but nobody should feel obliged!
Thanks so much! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



Do you know Rx6800xt and Rx 6900xt Oc settings for mining Ton?
Cause i set it to this and got invalid shares in one gpu

TON (The Open Network) is, as the name suggests, the entire network itself. The coin is named TONCOIN. And tonuniverse is a mining pool like or :slight_smile: :+1:

I am definitly not the right person to discuss about AMDs because I mine exclusively with NVIDIAsā€¦
but if I have to guess I would say, try to lower the power for 20 watts :man_shrugging:

right, but now i have 2 other invlid share in my rtx 3080 non lhr
any advise for me?

Reboot the rig and observeā€¦

Check your wallet just to confirm if it arrives

now just need to understand where to withdraw it to :smiley:
gate-io only has wrapped ton

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I confirm it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Yeah, youā€™re living in the US, right? Hmm, I use OKEx to exchange my TONCOINS into USDTā€¦ but OKEx isnā€™t available for you?!

With those was not working for me. with DNS https resolve error. I change to then working fineā€¦



Only found a way to transfer TONCOIN to USDT
No ā‚¬ yet sadly

Europe! :smiley:
do you get has many rewards with lol miner as you get with ton universe client?

so OKEX then I can move to to spend with the card,

at this rate I think Iā€™ll hold to them, letā€™s see where it goes!

Maybe this helps?

Maybe this helps?

Helps, thanks,

Iā€™ve noticed 1 thing also, that with lolminer and SHA256-TON it seems to mine much less than with SHA256 using ton universe miner client.

Did you try them both?


Anyone tried Tonuniverse? I tested it and it gives about 0.33 TON/GH although they claim 0.5 TON/GH

Did you get 0.5 TON/GH as they claim?

I got only 0.33. TON/GH!!