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TONCOIN Thread - What is it, how to mine, how to OC, how to exchange

Thx. Works like charm. Gona test through the night. Only not sure why your using the ton-mode. It works without it

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Hey, thanks for your help, was most valuable.

One question, does your cpu run hot,? Mine is at 60ish when with eth was at 30.

Any helpings welcome!


Works fine for me. Try to update the os version? Could be some process that could be stack in the background or some other stuff that could use cpu but the miner should not be the case. Or just do a reboot.

You are using tonuniverse?

Same thing here!!

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Thanks, I tried and failed running LOL, eagerly awaiting your guide.

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@gunzen How long will be we could mining TON before it dried out? In their information, have been recovered 4.9bn out of 5bn. Will it dried soon??

Unless someone has found otherwise, the only way I see if you’re in the US to exchange TON is using the ETH/BSC bridge but the bridge/gas fees are going to kill your profits. TON is really interesting but I’ve sent most of my hashing power back to ETH/RVN, with just a fraction still on TON, basically mining on spec since the project could die before I’m ever able to realize a profit.

Do you using OKEx to exchange USDT?

how much fee in EHT/BSC charge ?

OKEx isn’t available in the US. Bridge fee is 5 TON + 0.25% of transfer. ETH gas fee is around $13 now, BSC gas fee is better at $0.40. Bridges might make sense at larger amounts but for me at my scale it wipes out the advantage mining TON has over ETH.

For anyone wondering it was the whalestonpool & tonpool were at fault i dont have this problem at all with tonuniverse
After 9h of mining with the same rig i got 0.67TON which is the amount i got after 2 days on the 2 other pools …
So thanks me

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After last night miner update every things went perfect and you can mine eth and ton together

i wait for your instrucions with lolminer because i went to but with the custom miner i got high server loads
Thanks a lot for your effort

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Nice ! So i wait for someone test it for 3060ti becouse now i dont have time for OC for both coin. With 200 and -2000 memory is no profitable.

For those who haven’t done yet: read here and update!

Hi GPU-Heads,
here is the long-awaited How-To-Mine-Tonuniverse:

  1. If you haven’t already, install Telegram, open it and start a chat with the Tonuniverse bot (@tonuniversebot) with the command /start

  2. The bot asks you for your wallet address, which you then reply

  3. The bot saves this and with the command /pool_id you get it displayed. Remember it, the pool ID is important later in step 6.

  4. Go into HiveOS and create a new flightsheet with the coin named tonuniverse

  5. If you haven’t already, create a new wallet called simple_wallet (IMPORTANT: exactly this name)

  6. This wallet must of course run on the coin tonuniverse, don’t add a source and as the address you use the pool ID that you received from the Telegram bot in step 3.

  7. Back in the flightsheet you set the pool Configure in miner

  8. As a miner we configure lolMiner in the latest version 1.41b (at least). The coin we want to mine is of course TON, the wallet and worker template is %WAL% and you use as a pool server. The extra config argument --ton-mode 1 works in this context with tonuniverse for some, but does not necessarily have to be set.

  9. Apply all changes, give the flightsheet any name and begin to smile :slight_smile: Happy mining everybody!

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Hi all.
Can you share your results?

To me. (I have allocated 1 rig of 9 Rx 6600 XT)
hashrate: 18Gh / s
5.646 Ton / day

Hiveos (last version)
Miner : LolMiner
Pool : ton-Pool

I have the impression that it is “good” when I read what you write below.



Sorry, but I have completely different values:

Screenshot 2022-01-08 131236
[Source: coinmarketcap]

Only the first quarter is mined… :wink:

See here.
Happy mining! :slight_smile:

See here.
Happy mining! :slight_smile: