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RX6800 - Efficient Overclocking

I am struggling to get one of my 6800s to hit a lower wattage. I have an identitical 6800 on a different rig and it runs fine with settings from this post.

Low wattage 6800:

High Wattage 6800:

Here is the OC. Settings are the same for both 6800s.

I have tried tons of different OC combos found on this post. So I am running out of options to try. I am running latest OS and drivers. Any suggestions? Or did this gpu just bad silicon lottery?

Check it from the wall. I think both of your 6800 will be nearly equal.

Based on AMD and nVidia drivers:

  • You appear to be running an old HiveOS kernel. #72 and #83 changed a lot with 6800 series.

Your High wattage rig has an insanely high Load Average, all bets are off.

You are overclocking the memory of the 6800 to the absolute max of 1075, and should expect some GPUs to give you issues.

Thank you for the response. I was on Kernel 5.4.0-hiveos #140. I thought this was updated as part of the updates through the GUI. I will read about how to update the kernel. You think that will fix alot of the high load average problems?

Edit: I am also CPU mining so that could be why system load average is higher too.

CPU mining definitely increases load average. Only you can tell if it is normal for your rig :slight_smile:

Kernel update process below:

  • Note: dramatic differences in the treatment of 6800 series. You’ll likely have to tweak your overclocks again after upgrade. Lots of posts in this thread about such events.

hive-replace -y --stable

Happy to report that this rx6800 VDD not applying on boot issue is fixed for me in the latest HiveOS version 0.6-214@220331 which I’ve just updated to today (note that I was already running kernel 5.10.0-hiveos #83). Thanks Hive


work for RX 6800 XT Gigabyte

The 6800 should be running in A mode.

This is a quote from their documentation:

Big Navis should run in A-mode (it’s chosen by default). While the B-mode is
available, the value of the 128MB cache is degraded with a larger memory

In case you have not tried this combination

Using GMiner on HiveOS with 1350 Core, 720 VDD, 1075 MEM, and 112 watt. Getting 63.07 MH/s with 40/64 temperatures using MSI 6800 Gaming Trio GPUs.

It only took them like 6 months to fix it lol

What miner you use?

This rig uses TeamRedMiner 0.9.3

Salut je vois plein de choses différentes sur l’OC des rx6800 et vue que suis nouveau je suis un peu perdu donc j’aurai besoin de votre avis sur les cartes

With latest hiveos update im getting invalid shares with gminer (latest), crazypool is reporting that, hive just detected 1 invalid share, i lowered mem speed then on my 6800 amd.

Anyone else noticing that?

Yellow is the new hiveos update

I can confirm that RX 6800 VDD is now applying correctly on boot on HiveOS 0.6-214@220331, which lowers the power consumption.

No way to apply VDD on boot to RX 6900 XT too, now works perfectly fine after 0.6-214@220331 update. Good job, no idea why newer AMD drivers are not embedded too but at least major bugs were patched

i updated to the latest version too and i’m getting 1-2 invalid shares within 24h period on my 6800 Pulse i tried several OCs and same issue but everything started since i updated to 0.6-214@220403 and i don’t see a way back to 0.6-214@220331 is not in the list of Hive UI.

same here with invalid shares…didnt had before :frowning:

I’m trying with this OC now so lets see what happens, if it is still getting invalid shares then we will have to wait for a new version release :frowning: