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RX6800 - Efficient Overclocking

Pastbin link is down :frowning:

Hello, did you make some other modification. Under your configuration I got 62 MH with 141W,

Hi guys. It seems like I can’t make the script work.
I created the script and changed the search name from 6800 to 6800 XT.
Before runnng the script this is the situation:

So i run the script manually and it goes:

Once done I check my hashrate again and nothing changed. This is my updated amd-info

What can I do to fix it?

I don’t have an 6800XT’s, so I don’t follow them closely, but your and-info makes me think the 6800XT F state target is 1941 vs. the 6800 target is 1551.

Hopefully some XT players chime in quickly.

works fine for me. I put it in pastebin just so it would be easier to copy the formatting without issues, but I added it to the end of the guide just in case

heyyy,im stuck at pasting the code from pastebin :frowning: sudo nano put’s everything onto 1 Line. i guess that is wrong, because after that the script doesnt react?

From what I’ve experienced, this mod doesn’t really do anything for cards other than 6800s unless your card was really unstable to begin with.

From the second image I can see that your 68xt are already running at the max Fclock of 1941
63.75mh is fine on the first card, the second card is obviously crashing because your OC is unstable. Try lowering your mem OC.

Did you paste via right click → paste from browser?

alternatively, you could try ctrl+shift+v

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yes i did via right click.

okay i changed browser. now he copies over the formatting.

it’s now working, getting 62 mh’s+ . thanks for your detailled tutorial ! :slight_smile:

Ok, after some testing this is the outcome:
Cards boot up and start mining. They both start at 60 but soon after GPU 0 goes to 63-64 while GPU 1 goes to 22-55 (random every time) and stays there.

As you can see GPU 1 F state went down to 1377 in this particular occasion.

So GPU 0 is always running fine and I don’t need to fix it, but now let’s try to fix GPU 1.
I run F script directly from the console as:
upp -p /sys/class/drm/card2/device/pp_table set smc_pptable/FreqTableFclk/0=1940 --write
and I get the confirmation message that it worked.

Now my hashrate goes up to 58/60 and the reason is that my memory was lowered from 1074 to 1000 with the F script.

If I try to force the 1074 mem OC again the hashrate goes down again

But this time the F script looks active!

Just to be sure I run F script again and it shows that there’s no change
Changing smc_pptable.FreqTableFclk.0 from 1940 to 1940 at 0x5d6
Commiting changes to ‘/sys/class/drm/card2/device/pp_table’.

But my hashrate starts to rise once more to 58, again with a mem limited to 1000 MHZ!

Sooooo, how can i force the mem to be at 1074 (1075 in the console) after F script?

There is an upp command to lock memory too, I believe. What miner are you using, btw?

Indeed, found about it on the github page.
upp -p /sys/class/drm/card2/device/pp_table set smc_pptable/FreqTableUclk/3=1075 --write
But once done my F state is locked to 0
and not to 1 like on the other GPU
No now… how do i force the F state to be 1?
Btw teamblackminer

I made the script work for 6900 XT but hashrate didn’t change any. Using TeamRedMiner.


Hello again. :blush: I’ve been pretty busy lately. But I’m glad the topic is going :wink: . Now the strange thing is try to limit the SOC frequency to a minimum value (800MHz) and check the hashrate again.

Hey I have a 6800 and I had super low hash rate on Hive OS. Windows 62MHS/ Hiveos 54 mhs. So I did the fix of using 6800XT drivers on to my vanilla 6800 and voila 62 MHS. Now with the patch today which talks about fixing SOC settings on rx6*00 I am back down to 51 MHS on this card. Am I correct in assuming I can use my original 6800 bios and adjust the SOC now to squeeze out the hash rate?

The state doesn’t matter, as long as you have that little * next to 1941 it’ll run at 1941.

The F state script is pointless for cards that already run at their max.
Only the 6800 (non xt) suffered from that issue.

Not all cards will run that high mem. Try lowering it to 1050 and start working your way up slowly, 5 by 5 per 24h.

The update today also messed up my cards hashrates. One 6800 dropped to 51, another to 60 and a third to 61. My 6800XT’s dropped to 58…
Downgraded again but still not getting my hashrates from before the patch where all were >62.
Probably have to do all the fine-tuning all over again :angry:

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What miner are you using?