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RX6800 - Efficient Overclocking

63.05 MH 125 W
Çekirdek Hızı 1305
Çekirdek Voltaj 640
Memory Controller Voltage, mV 760
Bellek Hızı, Mhz 1060
Memory Voltage, mV 1240

i have rx6800 asrock brand but i couldn’t go over 57mh/s i tried every way It is not happening :frowning:

did u do the F lock script? it works for my gigabyte… now im able to get above 60 without constant reboots.

I entered the values ​​you gave, it was not as usual
How do we make the F lock script. I will be glad if you help

i use the post created by frxbg on aug26 above.

It would be great if someone could shoot a video or make a guide video, Everything looks like soup to me :slight_smile: I was sentenced to 56-57 mh/s

i think u can try and see if it works without script first. ill try and see if i can help…

1.) shellinabox
2.) enter:" miner stop "
3.) (to see which is the right card numer) enter: " amd-save-pp_tables "
4.) (where card1 is the first card in the 3.) table, or change to whichever u want) " upp -p /sys/class/drm/card1/device/pp_table set smc_pptable/FreqTableFclk/0=1550 --write "
5.) " miner start "

all the " xxx " are the commands to enter in shellinabox

Hello All
For all the ppl who cant get more than 58/MH or having problem with RX 6800 card,
I try every thing was mention in this topic and no thing work for me,
I also try the script also not working for me,
I was having so many problem with my cards until I found the solution that work for me and for my friends 4 rig with 13 GPU each,
i found Asus bios that have SOC = 33 A from manufactory and i lode this bios to all my card and my friends card and now all my card work at 60+ so easy with no problem
you can get Asus bios from any one you know own this card or downloads from the link:
VGA Bios Collection: Asus RX 6800 16 GB | TechPowerUp

@Grea @frxbg

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yeap but dont work

only in 500 series works…

the 570 is 4gb, i put in the rig to show the point that DPM1 dont work

thank you

i have tried the asus bios on my gigabyte, works, but every few hours the fan speed becomes 0%. but as usual, YMMV, diff cards react differently, maybe mine just doesnt take it.

didn’t know thanks for the info

that’s it, you king hema thank you :innocent: :sweat_smile:

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When I enter this in I get Command ‘upp’ not found did you mean: then a list of other commands

apt install python3-pip

pip3 install upp

Than you!

how do u get so low temps on ur vram? my core temp is always below 50, but my vram temps always 70!