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RTX 3070 settings

Have you find more informations to replicate the bug to get 100% unlock?

How much mh s 3070 can get do you think ? About 50 ?

I don’t have a 3070lhr. But what I have read 47.

@albyG not yet

@Miner2rue 46-47 at about 108W

Can someone help me to reduce temperature of gigabyte gpu?

dude set you cores to 1100 and remove PL completely

power usage is crazy high…

62-63 MH should be like 115 to 125watts

increasing the fans??

even on 100% temp is extremly high

you mean 0 for PL?


once 1100 core its locked and PL is not longer required

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ok, but how to reduce temp?

once cores locked the voltage drops

We can up 60mhs with FE EDITION 3070ti

any good OC for 3070 ETH+TON or ETH+TON+ZIL?

Hey everyone, IDK why my rig gets a bit frustrated when I’m trying to reduce 3090 temps. I split the rig into two frames allowing better cooling and after that “without declaring the war,” it decided to give me some invalid shares. I did reduce memory a bit to see if that’s the issue but no luck. 1 or two shares on some of the GPUs per day.

Anyone can help improve what I have?
Using the latest Lol miner.

sometimes is software related, last time like 1 or 2 t-rex versions ago one of my rigs started to get invalid shares, but i could not see them on pool side only reported on miner software on hiveos, when i switched to gminer there where no invalid for 24h when i switched back to t-rex there where 1-2 per 24h. then the new version came out and problem disapeared.

That sounds about right because I just updated to see my mem temps. The pool shows 100% valid. Thx

I have heard that the core should be divisible by 15 do you know why this is, have you heard this?

most often it is a multiple of 15, but sometimes it goes to weird values

You can check at what speeds your cards are running with nvidia-info |grep Freq