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RTX 3060 ti LHR overclock setting

Will I have to switch my overclock settings some when I reconfigure my flight sheet?

Also, does this look good? ^^^

Clocks are algo dependent, not miner dependent. So as long as they’re decent settings, no need to change them.

Thank you! I’ll start a new flight sheet when I get home in the morning from work. Thanks, Keaton

How to get lower temps? This is my settings.

Post a picture of your setup of your rig. Let’s see your cards and everything.

I can’t coz i’m not physically there. But it’s not hot, and have a nice distance between cards.

Turn all fans to 100%, add a box fan to the rig, increase exhaust fan for that room etc

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Cards being to hot are because a handful of reasons. Not enough airflow to the cards, not enough exhaust/air circulation in the room, OC settings wrong, or cards being to close together for more reasons of improper airflow.

These are the most common reasons for cards running high temps.

47 mhs

Hello there, I´ve updated today my rig to the 0.6-217@220503 version of Hive OS. Since I´ve done that, only in one of my rigs, the one with the 3060 TI gpu´s hasn´t been working correctly. I´ve already reboot it, shut down and boot in 30s all from the hive os web and with the physical rig. I´ve also restarted the miner serveral times but nothing has worked. If someone could help me to figure this out I would appreciate it.

I also have downgraded my rig to the past version and it continous the same. I´ll attach some photos.

Thanks in advanced!

your mem speed is low… try it with 2500 and see what happens… also, set your fans at a minimum of 80% when you do that… on your overclocking sheet, set 30 seconds delay

how often do you clean your cards and fans from dust? … I was in the 60C range and after I clean them, the temps dropped to 50C… fans are set to 80%… the room ambient is 27C

did you get to solve the problem?
I am having the same issue
my Hashrate dropped by %50 from 42 to 21 sometimes 16
my cards are clean
This all happened after the last upgrade
i tried to change the setting but nothing is working so far

hello, yes I did. I updated the nvidia drivers to the 510.68.02 version. I had to get the OC to 0 although… idk why, I´ll try to do something today, but I have my cards runing pretty well compared with what it was before.

I´ll try what xandi8207 said…

good news thanks for the tip
I see the cards are running a bit hot
have you tried any other OC settings?
I got my drivers updated and all is well

thank you again

every time I upgrade, I run this command with the miner off:
apt install --reinstall -y nvidia-settings
and reboot after

I’m also using T-Rex and I suggest increasing the PL for each LHR card, as now the cards are unlocked to 80% and I guess they need more power

not me… when I try to put some OC on my cards the just crash, then when I reboot it they start lowing down the MH down to 80MH in total, with 4 3060 TI’s, wich usually give me 162MH. Also, before this last upgrade I used to have up to 185MH… idk what’s happening fr

whats your driver version

I believe its

N 510.68.02

Try mine…

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