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3060 ti lhr / 3070 lhr / 3070 ti lhr


ERG + ZIL, nanominer v.3.3.7-cuda111

When i put 900 clock its give me 116 Mh/s super stable, but every time when i change settigs with 915, 940, 950 or what ever hash go down…so -600 and -625 give me best hash.

Oh ok

1, Wondering how to setup to show Two MH/s , from the pic its showing 174.2M (white) & 50.96M (blue) in Hive os. ?
2, Is 3060ti is LHR or non LHR .Can i know the exact model/version of the card.

I have 3060tiLHR (INNO3D Twinx2) can i apply your OC setting ?
Thank you

good question

My 3060ti cant change clocks…hive wint change it.
I need to investigate WTF…

Its kind a silly.... looks like i cant set proper clocks using ACC with setting PL, witch was normal on non-LHR. Just to remind - ve got lots of non lhr series 1XXX, 2XXX and 3XXX, but only 1 LHR…

Start and set Flight sheet with nanominer and pick ERG + ZIL so u can dual mine that.
Yea ofc this is LHR, Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3060 Ti EAGLE, u can see on image exact model…

Ofc u can try this settings but dont forget that PL is very important for this 3060 LHR cards, for my first card i can go from 102 PL but i get less hash, and i can go to 120 max, after that my hash go down…
And for my secund card i need to set 115 or more PL bcs that card need more power…

Thx. It`s simplier now…
My 3060Ti does this same with PL.

Tho most importand is, witch i discovered yesterday, PL works on ACC. Using ACC i must delete PL settings. It`s usfull on raven - my card need 185W ! to get hashing at 30mhash/s

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which pool are u using for ERG + ZIL?

Herominers and Ezil

My 3060 ti lhr cannot reach 130 on ergo algo, only half.

Could u show d top of ur screen?

Are these settings ok? Asus Tuf 3070ti

My sweet spot is -500/2850/PL171 - hashes at 181Mhash/s
inno3D 3070Ti with 3 fans.

Asus tuf rtx 3070 ti ergo oc 1550 3400

Hello Niklas, Thanks to your photo I found the correct drivers for my 3070Ti.

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Glad I could help!

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Glad I could help!!

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RTX 3060 TI LHR Hynix memory

which miners used? RTX 3060Ti is LHR ?

hey can you help me also i have 2 rtx 3060ti lhr and i get 42 mhs on one and 39 on other i use hiveos and kawpaw ethhash please can you guide?your results are flawless i also want those results on mine gpu to