I can just tell you what to do step by step.
First, know the make and manufacturer or your card.
Second, go to www.techpowerup.com and find the bios for your card. It is always safe to go with an AMD bios, as they cover all Vega 56 cards.
Third, make sure your miner is NOT mining. Go to the “cards” tab on your farm homepage, and locate the card you wish you bios mod.
Fourth, click on the link that says “VBIOS ROM Storage” which is right next to the link that says “Cards”.
Fifth, upload the bios you just downloaded from techpowerup.
Sixth, click on the 3 dot haptic next to the card you wanna bios mod, and click “Select VBIOS”.
Seventh, click both of the round button haptic at the bottom that say “Reboot After Flash” and “Force flashing ignoring security checking”.
Eighth, click the “Select” button that displays the bios you uploaded.
Ninth, click on the button that says “Flash Cards”, to the right it should say “1 prepared to flash VBIOS”.
And then you’re done. The card will read as whatever manufacturers bios you uploaded, so it’s good to remember the original bios and have that as backup.
But that’s the process! Vielen Glück!