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Vega 56 and Vega 64 guide

I belive there was few attempts to reach out to you for more info about your setup and issue description etc, after last such request for more info from u, next thing is u post is something like this instead of giving us the info required to even start to help u. I did saw pictures of your set up but u just cant assume that someone will try to solve your issue by picking up pieces of info from pictures when you dont even bother to type reguested info. sorry if u are dissapointet, but here many of us just dont have a chrystall ball to check whats wrong with your rig. If u post a proper info about your setup a description about issue and sympthoms, im sure here is plenty of folks that are more than happy to help :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi try to 56 hynix:
core 1020 - dpm 0 - vdd 830 - mem 960 mdpm 0 -pl 150
amdmemtweak --CL 20 --RC 36 --RP 11 --WR 14 --CWL 8 --FAW 12 --RAS 22 --REF 65535 --RFC 248 --RTP 5 --RRDL 6 --RRDS 3 --WTRL 9 --WTRS 4 --RCDRD 12 --RCDWR 12
Im getting with sapphire hynix, stable +52mh with these.
If straps dont work u can try to increase RCDRD to 13-14, that will decreace hash a bit. Mem is about max on 965 but core can go higher with the expence of stability.
For 56 Samsung:
core 1130 - dpm 0 - vdd - 830 - mem 1020 - mdpm 0 - pl150
amdmemtweak --RC 37 --RP 12 --WR 14 --CWL 8 --FAW 12 --RAS 22 --REF 65535 --RFC 239 --RTP 6 --RRDL 5 --RRDS 3 --WTRL 9 --WTRS 4 --RCDRD 12 --RCDWR 12
I have 56 samsung sapphire with these values, stable +55mh
Might be that core i a bit high for so experiment little with that and it wont hurt to start with mem 1010 and go up if gpu can handle it. Hope this helps
edit. run with eth config A

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hey. I have this config as

–eth_config B

that has worked without =

I know its in trm usage guide as u wrote.
Looks like there is few ways to apply B mode.

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Today I recieved two Vega 64 with samsung memories, and there was no way to apply straps, so I was getting only like 45MHs.

After flashing to reference Vega 56 all seems OK!:

Lets see if it’s 100% stable and then lets play with straps.

@oni I mesured the wattage… And the conclusion is that gigabyte tdp stimation is not wrong… The other are wrong!
My both Vega 64 went to 106 and 117W because undervolt, massive tdp reduction, but its not real. At the wall the consumption is arount 378W, so those vega are consuming 160-170W. HiveOS is wrong, and that means I need a new UPS.


790 VDD on the samsung at 1040 mem?! I gotta try this…

could not lower the vdd at all on the 56s, they died at 800, but got my 64 running at 800 now see if I can keep that up for a couple days there.

After about 5 hours it started dying alot so back to 812

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hey. I have these 2 hynix 56, the last two from my vega´s that needs their final tuning, i have managed to get them to this point,

amdmemtweak --CL 20 --RC 36 --RP 11 --WR 14 --CWL 8 --FAW 12 --RAS 22 --REF 65535 --RFC 248 --RTP 5 --RRDL 6 --RRDS 3 --WTRL 9 --WTRS 4 --RCDRD 12 --RCDWR 12

With these setting theyr stable for days,. i have been trying different values and tried allso ss´s hynix straps that was posted earlier, these couldnt handle those. looks like they run with RC36, WR dont change anything too much. I tried RFC from 248 to 244 ok to 239 and at some point quite soon they started spit invalids…naturally i tried one gpu at the time, it looks like thats not gonna give more hash anyway,to my understanding that got something to do with startup states, so with lower value gpu goes to p1-p2-p3 and higher value causes jump on startup straight to p2-p3 ??..might be be that im totally lost here :smiley: anyway…for these straps, any ideas what to change to gain more hash without loosing stability…up with RCDRD, yes…but then need more mem and looks like 965 is max for both…stable anyway, same with core, allready maxed, some more and they both starts to give invalids. Is there something that im still missing? maybe a combination of several strap values that all needs to be changed? Silver? Or…should i just stop here with tuning and let them be. I will try later to lower vdd and see if i can make W better with all vega´s, but with these… hash is not too bad and they are stable…so, any suggestions ?

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You can try to lower core voltage

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Yes indeed, from my observations you can add about +50% power consumption to HiveOS value and this gives approximate power consumption from the wall.


The question was if Gigabyte takes 30% more power than other vendors when you measure it.

I can run 780 VDD with Hynix (2 cards) and 790 (3 cards) to 810 (2 cards) with Samsung

@steroid agreed, lower voltage might be the only thing you can do.

I noticed in stock settings Samsung has RCDRD at 13 and Hynix has 22 so was seeing if you could run higher mem clock with RC 37, RAS, 24 and RCDRD, 20 but couldn’t get it to work, over 1000 mem did not seem to take and dropped to 12 mh.
I briefly got mine to 53 today on mem 980 but it crashed twice. so back to something safe, stable and rcdrd 13 for mine :frowning:

Honestly I can’t even get my Hynix stable as high as you have yours, so I would say lower vdd, if you can get 52 mh at 100 watts that’s better efficiency than my Samsung’s, I’m running at .495 mh per watt, that would be .52 mh per watt.
This is what im running now, using @RazorSharp 's hynix strap, because I was getting invalids at 950 mem with my old one, and im trying for 1 week up at 100% accecpted right now.
amdmemtweak --CL 20 --RC 36 --RP 13 --WR 13 --CWL 7 --FAW 12 --RAS 23 --REF 65535 --RFC 216 --RTP 6 --RRDL 5 --RRDS 3 --WTRL 9 --WTRS 4 --RCDRD 13 --RCDWR 11

  • Looking at your strap, your hash rate would drop with ^ that strap as RP is two higher and RCDRD is 1 higher and both would lower hashrate.


Well I wouldn’t say ‘indeed’. You think 50% more on the wall makes sense? Obviously not, and that’s why I’m saying that when HiveOs says you’re Vega consumes 110W is just Fake. The real consumption for the 12v rail is aroung 165W.
With gigabyte Hiveos says the truth.


This is my best so far, stable for 9 hrs Red devil vega 64 flashed with displayed bios



Any guide on how to set VDD on arch linux? is this the same as core voltage? I am using rocm-smi to undervolt and overclock.

Max I’ve gotten is 40Mh/s, reference vega 56. I dont know what I am doing wrong. Tried everything. Using teamredminer.

Do I need the amdgpu-pro drivers? Those have been removed from arch and only Ubuntu has them now.

thanks for all these informations, i will test it today
but hynix smaller as RCDRD 17 for me normally crashed.

and for my BIOS problem of the VEga 64 AMD/ATI, do you have an idea ?
i have test 5 or 6 different BIOS but nothing , the card don’t restart with an other bios as stock

the 56 hynix and the 56 samsung are normally from MSI model, i have flash the bios with the bios Saphire

Anyone use MSI vega56 air boost(Ram Hynix)?
I can’t reach more than 44MH/s
Any timming suggestion for me?

core 1028 mem 830 on this timming when push mem to 840 alway gpu dead lower than 10 min
amdmemtweak --CL 21 --RC 37 --RP 11 --WR 14 --CWL 8 --FAW 12 --RAS 20 --REF 65535 --RFC 248 --RTP 5 --RRDL 6 --RRDS 3 --WTRL 9 --WTRS 4 --RCDRD 17 --RCDWR 12

When used 3 timming below this ram can go only 800-830 can get hast maximum only 43.85MH/s
amdmemtweak --RC 35 --RP 13 --RAS 22 --REF 65500 --RFC 148 --RRDL 4 --RRDS 4 --RCDRD 12 --RCDWR 4

amdmemtweak --CL 20 --RAS 26 --RCDRD 12 --RCDWR 12 --RC 38 --RP 12 --RRDS 3 --RRDL 5 --RTP 6 --FAW 12 --CWL 8 --WTRS 4 --WTRL 9 --WR 13 --REF 24000 --RFC 239

amdmemtweak --CL 20 --RAS 22 --RCDRD 12 --RCDWR 12 --RC 36 --RP 12 --RRDS 3 --RRDL 5 --RTP 5 --FAW 12 --CWL 8 --WTRS 4 --WTRL 9 --WR 13 --REF 65000 --RFC 249


yeah, i shaved 10mV vrom all vegas and 15 from all my 12x 5xx cards, total consumption dropped a bit, and what was suprising to me is that many gpu´s hash went up a touch with lover vdd.
I think im gonna let rigs just roll on, looks like eth is down and rewards are up for now so - :partying_face:
I´ll look from the side for a while if u guys come up with some new trick´s with straps :wink:

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Nice, must be as low u can go! no way i managed to go that low…is that MVDD 1265 that makes that possible?? My hynix died at 815…vega´s! :roll_eyes: , too many factors effecting each others :sweat_smile:

good hash, can u please share your straps for reference. i have same card with different vbios, so im gonna give it a try with your vbios…this vbios must be why i havent been able to sqeeze more from that red devil…

If it’s true I shouldn’t have sold my Gigabyte Hynix running stable 52mh :grimacing:

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