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Vega 56 and Vega 64 guide

Try these settings of my best MSI Vega64 liquid

amdmemtweak --CL 20 --RC 37 --RP 11 --WR 14 --CWL 8 --FAW 12 --RAS 20 --REF 65535 --RFC 248 --RTP 5 --RRDL 6 --RRDS 3 --WTRL 9 --WTRS 4 --RCDRD 12 --RCDWR 12


Hi. Im going crazy with my vega 56. Ive noticed you have One with the same memory than mine, 113-376XL-UO2.

Every strap ive tried makes the GPU dead after some minutes miming

Can you Share the BIOS and straps you are using for this?

Best regards


amdmemtweak --RC 37 --RP 12 --WR 13 --CWL 8 --FAW 12 --RAS 22 --REF 65535 --RFC 239 --RTP 6 --RRDL 5 --RRDS 3 --WTRL 9 --WTRS 4 --RCDRD 12 --RCDWR 12

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amdmemtweak --RC 37 --RP 12 --WR 13 --CWL 8 --FAW 12 --RAS 22 --REF 65535 --RFC 239 --RTP 6 --RRDL 5 --RRDS 3 --WTRL 9 --WTRS 4 --RCDRD 12 --RCDWR 12

Let me know how it works out

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I tried several different straps and customized versions, your starps were too tight for this card…same card and same vbios,thats the way it is with gpu´s, u have a good one, mine is good allso but dosent tolerate high mem. Thats max mem and core. This is with different set of straps. im really happy that this samsung is on the same level with others now. Will see if it hold up in long term, i have had similar values on this one before witn 54.8mh, but those were not good for 24/365 ops and got too tight when ambient temp went up…all variables… :wink:
im really happy that this samsung is on the same level with others now. many thanks for sharing info :sunglasses:

Perhaps too low voltage? You have to share your settings to let us help.

I’ve got one of those, but can’t get it over 48MH/s for now either.
My mem is higher though, but rcdrd is still high as 19:
core 1080 vdd 840 mem 940 mvdd 1270
strap amdmemtweak --CL 20 --RC 36 --RP 13 --WR 13 --CWL 7 --FAW 12 --RAS 23 --REF 65535 --RFC 248 --RTP 6 --RRDL 5 --RRDS 3 --WTRL 9 --WTRS 4 --RCDRD 19 --RCDWR 11

I like the MSI Airboost vbios, but not their actual GPU’s :smiley:

Thanks this very nice strap now i try on mem900 get 46.33 if stable more than a day i will increase.

once you found your max stable mem, you can try do decrease rcdrd step by step; this should keep you busy for the next few days :smiley:


Runra and Oni,

i have one model of MSI Vega56 flashed with the bios of the saphire model
the straps are

and the result is

when i go above 955/960 the card crash invalid

Yes, that’s normal. Hynix memory doesn’t go as high as Samsung memory.
You can try lower the rcdrd for better hashrate.

Here my sapphire 56 hynix values, you can try if your card can take these

amdmemtweak --CL 20 --RC 36 --RP 11 --WR 14 --CWL 8 --FAW 12 --RAS 22 --REF 65535 --RFC 248 --RTP 5 --RRDL 6 --RRDS 3 --WTRL 9 --WTRS 4 --RCDRD 12 --RCDWR 12

If crash change RC to 37

mem 960 vdd 830 core 1050

so could’t resist when i got an opportunity to aguire another vega. Radeon 56 ref, bit of issues when i added that to rig, ended up flashing hive again and after, all issues gone. Seems like a good gpu, i can understand now why some of u guys have whole rig full of these :grin:


Below was a test on Samsungs, but due to lack of sleep with wrong straps to begin with, hence I couldn’t get their mem clocks higher. The test is thus not so relevant. Take from it what you want.

I’m experimenting a bit with the SOC Frequency field in the OC screen. It sets the SOC state of our GPU’s.

The normal Vega 56 SOC states are :

  • State 0: 600
  • State 1: 720
  • State 2: 847
  • State 3: 960
  • State 4: 1028
  • State 5: 1107

Mem state and SOC state are linked. If you set your memory clock to 940MHz, the SOC state will set to the state right above, so 960 in this case. If you have mem 1020, SOC will set to 1028; if you have mem 1028 it will not set SOC to 1028 (that’s not above but equal) but to 1107.

I have now manually set some of my Vega’s one state higher in the OC screen, so for mem 940 I have not set to 960 but to 1028; for mem 1020 I have not set to 1028 but to 1107; those who were already SOC 1107 I left alone.

I can already tell that all those that were set to 1107 didn’t last long; they crashed pretty fast.
But all my GPU’s with somewhat lower clocks between 900 and 950 for which I have set the SOC to 1028 are running for 24h now without rejected shares (as they did before), AND each with a few tenths of a MH/s higher!

So although it doesn’t seem work on the high frequency Vega’s, it is another way to squeeze some lower frequency ones :sweat_smile:

Needs more experimenting though.


This is also the reason why we see bigger jumps in MH/s when we go from for example mem 950 to mem 960 as it automatically jumps from one SOC state to another, from 3 to 4 in this example.
Hashrates don’t jump that high when you set mem from for example 940 to 950 or from 970 to 980 as those stay in the same SOC state 3 for the 940 and 950 or state 4 for 970 and 980.


have u noticed difference in w consumption on those gpus that u have set soc value?

this is interesting!

but my Hynix GPU 2 was SOC 960 with Mem set to 960, what did you have core at when testing?

I just put @Smining570’s Hynix Strap on it but set mem to 940 and its only running .1 mh lower than 960 mem.

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yes, this i have noticed, in certain range there is no benefit for higher Mem…might be that only loose some stability with higher mem due related strap value set to tolarate that higher mem… and looses some mh in the prosess?

Well spotted! :rocket:

looks like mem 940 will allow --RFC 239 and that brings hash up a bit, for me its 52 with --RFC 239…just tried so long term will see later.
Nice one from Oni, we just discussed abot those states with Silver yesterday. Well done

edit. hynix with Mem 940 vdd825 Core 1050. 52mh stable for +24hrs. possible to go for higher Core with straps mod but rather stable 52 mh than any issues with 53-54.

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Thank you for this @oni RCDRD 19 was the proper value for one of my Hynix, I had problem with many ivalids with 18