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Vega 56 and Vega 64 guide

Trying again fingers crossed

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I bought a new girlfriend for my vega56, a vega64 AMD / ATI memory samung HBM2
but when I flash the impossible bios she does not want to start
I tried all compatible bios
when i use the stock bios the card start with no problem, but
as soon as I change the bios, impossible to restart
I tried AMD, SAPHIRE, MSI bios but nothing

the vega 64 is the GPU0 who i test with the MSI BIOS

this is normally my card , but i don’t found any good 56 bios

Really noone knows how to keep the consumption low?

I se you all are around 100-120W. My vega is wasting like 50W and I don’t know why.

–eth_config = B does not work at my house, the miner does not start

You won’t do anything with this. This was discussed earlier that Gigabyte power consumption is much higher than other vendors. But I didn’t check power consumption from the wall, there is a minimum chance that hiveos shows wrong values.

it’s with 2 minus signs at the beginning, so - -, without space off course; sometimes auto correct makes one long dash out of it
and I don’t know if it matters, but remove the spaces around the = too.
so --eth_config=B

and last question; in which field have you entered the value?

As @steroid has said, that’s typical for Gigabytes. I have 4 of them running at around 160 to 170W.
I’m going to buy a wattmeter and connect it to my test rig to finally find out if it’s the Gigabytes themselves or if it’s Hive.

I use this one with very good results:

But I see your replies above that MSI bios gives no start. Was it this 2018 version?

doesn’t start with the modification, and i have also my problem of the GPU0 VEga64 doesn’t start if i flash the bios

That seems correct

yes it is the 2018 version

yes i know but nothing to do, he doesn’t start

How far can you push their mems with those straps? Better hashrate or just more stable for the same hashrate?
I’ve quickly tried them on a few gpu’s, and most have the same hashrate, but some go lower in hashrate.
But they were stable already; maybe with your new straps I can push their mem higher. But that’s a step for tomorrow.

about your worker loosing connection, what mb you have? have u managed to solve this?

Please note that we’re all volunteers here and we’re not replying for the money. We all have our own lives and sometimes I’m not reading the topics for more than a week.
Although we are all here for the money, the cooperation of this forum is more to help each other to push to higher hashrates.
There is already a bunch of information in the meanwhile >600 post counting topic, but it’s worth the long read! But read entirely before starting to OC and strap.
We do try to help everybody, but bear in mind that Vega’s seem to have their own lives; there is no set and forget; every Vega seems different, and it takes a lot of trial and error to get yours to a >54MH/s hashrate.
You either love them or hate them, a Vega is not an easy mining GPU and not for the faint of heart.
Not to mention lots of headaches and discussions with the wife…

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I have tried everything.
different configuration with different values ​​in memory and core, but nothing I cap:
for vega64 = 45.5mh
for the vega56 (real56) hynix 48.5mh (with sometimes invalid)
for the vega56 (real56) samsung 52mh

these vega my are driving crazy … hihihih
luckily I can do some tests at work, otherwise the woman would not be happy … :slight_smile:

Thank you oni and @steroid . Useful info… I read a lot of posts of this thread and didn’t see this is typical for gigabytes.

I will use a wall wattmeter today to see if those 156W are real.