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Trex 0.24.0 lhr dual mining unlock

Thank you for that.
HiveOS also updated for 0.24.2, how fast!

I tested it with my 3060ti LHR which produce 40mh/s stable on ETH. I used the same oc profile with ETH+RVN dual mine. However, I constantly get LHR lock. Still not sure why, have to play with it more today. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

This is what I have on 24.2.

Pools claim that the average hashrate last 4 hours for ETH is about 140MH and for CFX is 206 MH.
To me it looks great. 20 USD a day instead of 17 (246 MH ETH alone).

Do you have any calculations for ETH+RVN? Which combination works better and is RVN+ETH stable?

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Is there any way to change that [LHR 37 <>] mine is [LHR 25 <>] which makes eth hash rate too low. Any way to change that?

According to this:

try: “lhr-tune”: “0,0,71.5,0”

can you share your OC and kind of card using ? cause i have 3060ti asus and zotac, while i can get 130mh on ergo at 110 w i am not able to stabilize the ETH performances , it always reset …
tomorrow i will try this 24.2 with dual and check what happen…

It seems working stable with 3060ti lhs asus 900w at the wall Trex 24.2
conservative OC casue was crashing
18/19mh on eth
85mh on ergo
but if you check, the profitability is almost same as per the lhr 70% 40mh per card…
so i do not see any improvement in profit , except that i was not able to have the cards stable at 40mh … so i am satisfied , i will try to push OC to check is i can improve…

Hallo , with dual mining ETH+ERGO
can someone explain to me what is the syntax to use the worker name in automatic for alt algo ?

instead of addres.rig name i would like to use %WORKER_NAME% like i am doing with the first eth algo .

solved … was very easy… just replace %WORKER_NAME% in thw rig name …

Mind sharing your settings?

How dual mining eth+rvn or eth+ergo or eth+cfx

There has to be some way bypass ?

Card 3070 non lhr

Thank .

Of course

I used dual miner Gminer and T rex because i do have LHR and non LHR cards on same rig,

for 3070 Ti core clock 0 memory 1350 PL 180w
for 3080 core clock 0 memory 2000 Pl 200w

this to keep the mining within the limit of LHR if you try to increase it will target the LHR and your gpu will be locked, till now i didn’t found a better way.

Thank you for sharing those clocks. I tried them on a 3060 LHR v2 with eth-rvn and it gets 15-20 eth and 13-15 rvn after TREX autotunes to LHR 37.

Please read it here

If your card is already non LHR then this won’t be any benefit. Dual mine LHR is to utilize 100% of LHR cards by mining two coins since LHR will only use 70% of possible hashrate of the card.

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0.24.2 Trex is way more stable!

today try for it, eth + rvn

Thank you bro :rose:

My testing with ETH+RVN on 3060ti LHR, profit increased ~9.12% from 2.41 to around 2.63usd per/day

3060ti LHR > ETH > 40mh > ~2.41 usd/day
3060ti LHR > ETH+RVN > 19.3mh/s+21.3mh/s > ~2.63 usd/day

However, it increase a lot of heat and power consumption in the card. Experiencing 8-10c increase gpu temp. My current stable overclock is cc0 mc1800 pl170

See below, NBminer is mining RVN on 4x3070ti. The temp is even higher than mine single RVN alone. Which makes me worries.

Would be cool to be able to do Dual mining with ETH-RVL the protocol is verry similar to Kapow but is not in the T-rex since version 19 something…

There is already an update for T-rex, please update hive OS. link below:

how did you manage to make it work I have the same error

Line 2, Column 1
Syntax error: value, object or array expected.