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Trex 0.24.0 lhr dual mining unlock

Hive UI don’t show hashrate of dual mining yet?
Somehow I saw it was displayed with 3090 but not with 3080 Ti.

I chose dual mining ETH / ERGO , T-REX 0.24.2

the command in the t-rex miner for Ergo / Eth dual mining is well written :joy:

“lhr-algo”: “autolykos2”
“url2”: “stratum+tcp://”
“user2”: “ergo:9ght18ywEL3Le9NKtWTNcUbNJDi6dLfGiQXVvQMWrqdhBKgz6Z2.RTX3070”
“pass2”: “x”

I was mining eth+RVN for 3 days now in trexminer with my 3070ti and since today i get this error:
20211013 23:06:14 TREX: Can’t find nonce with device [ID=0, GPU #0], Device does not have enough free memory to hold the DAG for epoch 262. Required: 3.05 GB, free: 3.05 GB.
Are there more people with this issue?

I have stopped dual mining for the time being, how much RAM do you have on the mining platform?

I have a 3060 ti using trex miner 24.2 I could not get the hashes promised. It is not stable. I have waited for 40 min but miner could not be able to fix the hashes. Ergo flactuates from 80 to 20 mh. eth flactuates from 13 to 1 mh. Not stable. also not %30 +%70 as some of people here claimed. How can I fix this?

You’re hashing pretty decently.

Can you share your OC? I’m having trouble with my 3060 Tis

I think these values they share are fake my home country broo.

You think?

How’s your rig running?

Anybody else having an issue with the DAG file size? I am short by .02 gig for memory on two different rigs. Both LHR cards.

after the wallet address, waht is “rig.0” and / email address ?
what details shall I put here?

Thank you

“rig.0” is the name of your rig visible by pool.
email address is needed by some pools to enter configuration (for example nanopool). If you use hiveon or 2miners you do not need this value.

can you share how u got this to work… i can’t get this…
please show me how u configured it in your flightsheet

In this rig I have RTX3070 non LHR as GPU 0 and 4x 3080Ti as GPU1-4 now, thats why there are five values for lhr-tune.

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i 100% appreciate this… thanks alot @tasma

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