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The more GPUs the more instable my OCs

I have 8 RX580 cards, run the latest HiveOS, mining on ethermine pool and with teamredminer.

I don’t know how to explain the issue better but it seems to the more GPUs I add to my rig, the more unstable it becomes.

For example, if I mine with GPU 1, 2, 3 the rig is stable, each GPU running at 30MH/s, same if I run GPU 4,5,6. The same of course applied if I run 6,7,8.

But as soon as I connect all of the GPU 2 becomes unstable, meaning as the miner starts this GPU mines at 0MH/s and the rig crashes a few seconds after starting. I lowered all the OCs for all GPUs, even set the GPU back to factory settings but the issue prevailed.

Might it be an issue with the PSU?

Mining rig: BT360 motherboard (above 4G decoding enabled) , 8 RX580, 2 EVGA 1300W Supernova PSU, 8GB of DDR6 RAM, Kingston SSD 64GB

Have you tried adding one by one and let them run for some hours at any step? Did you disabled CSM in bios mobo ?

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Yes, I did. I added one GPU at a time and let it mine for 20+ minutes each time, Hashrate was stable and no invalid shares at any step. Disabling CSM, I am actually not sure if this has been done already, I will be back home in around 5 hours and will check the BIOS settings. Thanks for the effort to help me in the meantime!

CSM always gave me troubles… good luck

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It’s has been disabled all along, so probably also not that’s the cause ;(

How many card keep stable together ?..let me research about MB config

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It remains completely stable until I add 3-4 GPUs. If I mine with 5-8 GPUs the rig keeps on mining but each GPU will be more sensitive to OC settings and will mine 2-7 MH less than it did before. And as soon as I add the 9th GPU one of the GPU completely stop mining with all miner I tried (Ethermine, nano miner, teamredminer). It will basically show 0.00 MH for 1-2 mins until it crashes, which in redlined means “GPU dead”.

I just played around with all mobo settings, I use Gen1 Speed, mining mode is enabled, above 4G coding is enables and CSM is diabled.

Besides I just flashed the problematic GPU with another RX 580 with Hynix memory BIOS that worked fine and now I can still enter the BIOS but the OS won’t boot normally, it just shows a black screen and will reboot 3-4 mins after powering on, but I have a feeling I can fix this issue. I will play around with the settings tomorrow I have a feeling I can fix it by just trying enough.

Reflash original bios. I don’t think your problem goes for GPU bios at all. Check your MB bios battery voltaje, should be around 3v.

The problem is the rig won’t boot, making it impossible to reflash.

Where can I find the mb voltage?

You have to take out the flashed card, To boot up. Those gpu are dual bios ?

Nope, single bios

Managed to fix it, but the old problem still remains, at least 1 of the 9 GPUs will always show hashrate of 0.00 MH and die soon after booting the rig.

I reset all the PCI slots to Gen 2, then Gen 1, then to auto, but that doesnt seem to be the reason.

Then I tried to downset OCs, but neither that worked, no matter how low I set it, also running the GPU at stock settings didn’t solve it.

I am really running out of options to make any alterations…

What miner are you using ? Post first auto tune miner screen to see you OC , post setup miner config from FS screen to see arguments


The miner start immediately after booting, DAG files loading normally and all looks good


But as soon as the first hasrates show up one GPU is always at 0MH

And within 1-2 mins after one of the GPUs will sho was dead

Here you can see my current OCs. I tried with higher and lower OCs, but that didn’t help. I am using amdmemtweak – REF 30, but I tried without to exclude this as problemfactor, which didn’t help. (upload://jApRe2kSvXjw3loG03wbiENHgkz.jpeg)

Wipe voltage for GPU1 let them run in auto voltage 40w is too low … disable undervolt for that gpu

I actually did that already but tried again just to show

The exact same GPU 1 will take 90-100 watt at 850 core voltage using 750 memory voltage and run at 29 stable if I run the rig with 1-2 GPUs less

Did you tried dame card in another pci slot ?

Looks like miner is not feeding that card, please post screen setup miner config to se parameters

Yes, I tried that.