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Settings KASPA?

Giving up 75MH/s for 4watts reported on a 6600 does not seem to be a win for most power rates. This is not even optimized:

68XT seems to be the same missing efficiency ratios:

Might want to consider the “1” in the memory clock field and then re-running your power analysis. Unless you are running a script to force the clock to lowest setting, you might be able to drop power further with those low hash rates. Checking your actual memory state will likely show the clock is running higher than 96 and burning some of that power you worked so hard to trim.

Good luck in the max efficiency hunt!


All rigs LOL miner

That post was before this feature was released and is no longer the best way to manage Kaspa settings:

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My Settings on Kaspa

kaspa doesnt use memory, so change the mem to 1 on all

Can you let us know the miner of this setup?

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