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Selling $185 HIVEON FARM BALANCE CREDIT for US$ 111 ( 40% discount)


Contact me [email protected]

Please include your HiveON farm and payment is expected before transfer. Please provide me your detail hiveos for transferring the credit to you. And please send me US$ 111 to bitcoin address: bc1q2eznd75ntsphuq5epwp6lcrxufv84w9j2nnqvk

50% off will be ok.

Sorry for late reply , was on christmas Holidays. Are you still interested ?

still need. transfer farm to 13720210008 ,And give me your usdt address on bsc20 chain.

Please read the instructions of the offer . No USDT. Anyone who wants the balance must transfer the purchase amount to the above bitcoin address and i will immediately transfer the $185 Balance to their Farm. No questions and no hassle. A clean transaction.

Let others buy it.