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RX6800 - Efficient Overclocking

I was talking about silicon lottery haha :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Since this morning the hashrate has been coming up by it self, right now Im at 59mh/s sometimes 60, the rig reboots almost every 2 or 3 hours but Im fine with it for now.

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OK. I just got a hand on this card. Well, It sucks in HiveOS! Tried running it on two mobos. One was not even able to detect it. The other one kept freezing after I swapped it with one of my 3070s. It works fine for like a minute and theт freezes and kills my rig completely. I ve heard it does not like being among Nvidia cards and should only be used with AMD ones. Can someone confirm it is the case or prove that it actually works in mixed setup? Thanks!

My best configuration running at Phoenixminer 5.4b


So compairing power consumption shown in HiveOS…really? let me beat this with my old 5700´s:

which runs at around ± 60 W. So it´s twice that efficient? not really…

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Managed to bring it up to 61-62 for two cards and with 100% accepted shares. The third one is stubborn one and wont go past 60.

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So are my video cards today::

This I achieved for now, there is a 6800 that is wild.

PhoenixMiner are known to show you higher MH/s but that’s not really the case.

Try 925 VDD, you can get the wattage down to 130.

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Uptime 3d 14h, mining with GMiner, without any issues.

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How’re you consuming 555.6w?

hmm actually good question. I’m not sure.

2x 750W Gold Gigabyte PSU (Connected together)
Mobo: ASRock H110+
CPU: Intel i5-7600K
8 Fans on the mining rig. (because I have in plan to add 5 more RX6800…)
I 'm not sure if all these parts are counted for total consumption.

Should check what the reading off the wall is & your electric company’s app to see usage. It doesn’t make sense that everything else is using 300w

Yes i do my best but i cant turn down the voltage. Maybe Asrock boards having 2x8 pins need more power to work. That is why it could not be lowering the voltage.

That’s my RIG. 4 day’s ago i change riser on one of card because i have problem “gpu driver error - no temp.”. Now it looks good. I hope that was the problem.


you can try using to miner on your flight sheet. one for the envidais (t-rex) and one for que AMDs (teamredminer)

After working on this for over an hour, this is the best I can do:

GPU 0 is a Red Dragon, the other Powercolors are Fighters. The Gigabytes are the standard GamingOC model.

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I have the same GPU AsRock RX 6800. I can’t get more than 58MHs. Can you please tell me how you get 61MHs? If you could share some screenshots with the full OC settings, that would be more helpful. And what miner software you are using? Thanks in advance for your help.

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use the phoenixminer