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RX6800 - Efficient Overclocking

Very Thanks =)
I use my day to change my rig of place and make some modifications.
The script upp works very well.
Now all cards on same hashrate.

@frxbg will you please help me? I managed to get your solution for 6800 up and running, although, I am having kind of 3 invalid shares a day on my 6800, which used to give me none invalids. My OC is 1350 650/750/1250 1065, consuming 117W and hashing 62.52 MH/s.

Any advice to get rid of the invalids? Another OC, maybe?

Thank you in advance.

No oc settings :

oc settings applied :

Rig: 8GPU Intel Celeron 1007u board from china
Ram: 8GB DDR3
Internet: WIFI

Are these hashrates due to WIFI? LAN was not working so now waiting for replacement board.

Hi. I’ve made all the changes as per your instructions and I can see the the script runs successfully in the journal but the changes didn’t apply to the card when I look in amd-info, f state not at 1550.
In hive my gpu is number 2 but I have internal graphics so in the script I set it to card3.

Any ideas how I can apply it to my 6800?

It’s a bit better today, i’ve lower the memory clock on some gpus :

gpu 5 is still low, i cannot find something good on it.

Looks like the F clock was applied on GPU 1, edit the script and set it to card4, it should apply the F clock to the 6800
(CPU With integrated graphics is card1, GPU 0 is card2, GPU 1 is card3 and GPU 2 is card4)

Yes you are right this is the problem. For that i`ve made new simple script with auto detect logic that detect only RX 6800 and aplly settings next days when i have more time i will create fully automatic script to install and configure everything.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

for (( c=0; c<$(gpu-detect listjson | jq 'length'); c++ ))\
do i=$c;\
if [ "$(gpu-detect listjson | jq '.['$i'] | .name')" == '"Radeon RX 6800"' ];\
echo "GPU $c is RX 6800";\
upp -p /sys/class/drm/card$c/device/pp_table setsmc_pptable/FreqTableFclk/0=1550 --write;\
else echo "GPU $c is not supported";\

This is the new version of


Hi. Thanks for replying, its working well now. Hash gone up to 60.8, just need to play with the clocks now, see if I can get higher.

It worked after I changed card reference as per Facto response. Thanks for all your efforts so far, so appreciated. I will try the new script as well, it looks like you might be missing an e from write though?

I might be wrong, you are the expert.

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After changing the F clock according to the instructions from frxbg I have very good results. Everything works 100% stable without invalid shares.
Maybe I could play around with energy consumption a little more.


Yes I change it already. This is happen when I copy directly from console thanks. :wink:

Two days and all works excellent.

@frxbg you are the boss!!

Now is very bored mining. I only has a problem to resolve.

Make phoenixminer 5.7b work.


Anyone see why this would be causing issues? My MOBO is super cheap single slot PCIE 2.0 @ 2. Would that affect the capability that bad? I thought all mining was sufficient at PCIe 1x speeds

Sorry, still relatively new to HiveOS and mining in general. Still learning hardware / system requirements.


Also, OC to the content in this thread, made performance worse. Also, PheonixMiner will not hash at all. Only EthMiner is working.

Thankyou frxbg, I played with your script for a few hours yesterday and managed to get it going on my rig(I’m not the best when it comes to linux). Been going stable for 12 hours now. Awesome job

Hello @frxbg

From what I’ve read since I bricked my card. when my new card will arrive from RMA I will just need to use your script? flashing XT bios then reflash initial bios is not needed anymore?

Thanks for all your help since the begining :slight_smile:

500+ MHs for 8 x RX 6800 on HiveOS is fantastic. It is just a little bit less than windows but with the improvement in stability, I daresay your setup will probably have better profitability.

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Which miner are you using?


A space is missing between “set” and “smc_pptable…”
Thank you @frxbg , amazing work!

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