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RX5700 BIOS Professional MOD with low watts

Need HELP!

Can i unlock BIOS for flashing on my msi RX 5700 XT Mech OC via HIVE OS (command line or somehow)??? (i have strap BIOS changed file and i don’t want to install WINDOWS for BIOS unlocking for flashing)…

@neogeo Yes, you can flash using below commands on hiveos
You have to upload bios into hiveos using scp/winScp programs

 # display info
 amdvbflash -i
 # unlock card id 0 
 amdvbflash -unlockrom 0
 # flash card id0, using force flag 
 amdvbflash -f -p 0 custom-bios.rom
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That’s what i need :slight_smile:

always glad to help :slight_smile:

If anyone would like to modify the bios, write to me on priv on the forum. I will help.

I’ve ~57mh on the rx5700 :slight_smile:

@anopak what do you have memory vendor ?
And pls tell if you modified more than VRAM timings in red bios editor ?

Hi, Jarek. Can you give me bios please? [email protected]

kommstu du aus deutchland.?

Please write to me on Jarek #1625 discord.
I will contact you.!

Ja) neben Bonn

Ich finde dich nicht, schreib mir Email. [email protected]

your TAG is wrong. I can’t find you, please write me an email.

Write me your discord and I’ll call you back

Hello Pasheil! I have the same Sapphire Pulse RX 5700 XT with Micron memory. So with the same settings as yours (-cclock 1200 -cvddc 725 -mclock 1835) but on Linux - HiveOS - with PhoenixMiner, I’m getting 49.8 MH/s @ 97watts. Which memory type you have? Regards. /cyberminotaure

send me info on [email protected] im interested

Great sharing, can you help me with my RX5700XT , please mail me [email protected]


hej, czekam na kontakt. [email protected]

I"m running Core 1350, VDD 800 and MEM at 930 to get 53 MH/s and i’m at about 105 watts per card.

These are mine (not Jarek2805 ) sapphire 5700xt nitro+

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