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RX5700 BIOS Professional MOD with low watts

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Hi Jarek,

I’m using RX5600XT now, but with only 39-40 MH. And I intend to buy a new “RX5700 8G GDDR6 Asus Dual EVO OC”. I know MorePowerTool and Red Bios Editor, but they still not able to flash on RX5600XT. Would you mind helping me via email: “[email protected]” for modifing vbios of RX5700?

Thank a lot

how come 74watt, special setting? :partying_face: :sunglasses: :love_you_gesture:

power consumption or hash not everything. most important is stable setting-long term usage. i can achieve around 59,5mh/s too, but this not good for long term usage.

Can I get this bios from you? Please email me [email protected]

Really interested.

Can I ask for BIOS help? Please email me: [email protected]

Hi Jarek,

Great sharing, hope you can help me with my rx 5700, please [email protected]

Cześć Jarek, pomożesz z biosem ? [email protected]

Cześć Jarek,
Jak widać dużo chętnych w temacie i fajnie :slight_smile:
Ja też chętny, wiadomo mogę zapłacić. Prośba o kontakt [email protected]

Any chance I could get this BIOS and give it a try on my RX 5700 cards?
[email protected]

Please help with 5700XT Gaming X MSI on micron mem. Stuck on 55mh/110wt.
[email protected]

How many staled blocks do you have using these bios and hiveos pool?
I have almost 11% and this number seems to by too high. (I am using ethernet cable connection, ISP with good quality and have low latency to pool (50ms).

Hi Jarek2805
I am very interested in your biod mod I have rx5700 asus strix rog micron memory I await your message please. [email protected]

luxury consumption,
it is possible to get BIOS on ASUS DUAL micron
[email protected]

Monopolize the information, damn you

Mind sharing bioses for the asrock challenger 5700, asus evo 5700 and/or the sapphire pulse 5700? all micron memory i could upload the bioses too if needed: email: [email protected]

Hi Jarek,

Great sharing, hope you can help me with my rx 5700 and RX5700XT , please mail me [email protected]

Jarek can you contact me at [email protected]?

Sorry I put the email wrong…

hello Jarek2805 ive been trying to send you a pm but i dont see how, i would like to have that bios i have rx 5700 xt pulse im getting 51mh with 99 watt, can i get it better feel free to reach me to my email [email protected] thank you