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RX 6900 XT overclocking, need help

Which beta system did you install ?

Hangi beta sistemi kurdunuz ?

İyi günler

Mesut, şuan en güncel versiyonu indirip kurduğun zaman kartları tanıyor.

Fakat madenciyi Phoenix seçme, nedense son versiyonu (6 lı sürümleri) çıktıktan sonra 6900xt leri görmüyor. Bu yüzden Teamredminer ı kullanabilirsin.

better OC config ?

you can change Core and VDD. I think that the best value 1075 of MEM

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SAD… idk why this…

already try this but never same settings…

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I would like to know if you are using your mainbord cpu and flight sheets.

Can you Share your OC plz

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Try to set the core voltage 630-645, on of my cards work better with 635 others 645


Which miner are u using?

Nbminer on ethermine pool, I have a stable 63.55 MH on 108W power. Temps 40 and 60 and fans are set to 45%. Very quiet and power efficient! I am quite happy with it.

First time trying oc, mem clock was at 90°, thanks to you i could drop it to 60°, its an MSI X Gaming Trio, any ideas how to keep improving?


Hi, i tryed all configs seen above, but i keep getting invalid shares.

This is my config:

What else can i try? Any suggestion?

Thank you.

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53MH :roll_eyes:

There’s no DPM.

Did you tried my settings ? I’m getting about 62.4 mhs

Hello, I have Sapphire nitro + RX 6900 XT but I got too many invalid share.
Even with no overclock value, so stock value from the card I got invalid share like every 20 second !
I have try some overclock value but the result is the same
