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RX 6900 XT overclocking, need help

Hi, i tryed all configs seen above, but i keep getting invalid shares.

This is my config:

What else can i try? Any suggestion?

Thank you.

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53MH :roll_eyes:

There’s no DPM.

Did you tried my settings ? I’m getting about 62.4 mhs

Hello, I have Sapphire nitro + RX 6900 XT but I got too many invalid share.
Even with no overclock value, so stock value from the card I got invalid share like every 20 second !
I have try some overclock value but the result is the same


This is my settings :

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Thanks for the tip! really helped me with my 6900XT ASRock. Had to change a bit, but it was a great starting point. currently stable at 62.93 MH/s @ 122 watts (down from 155 watts)… now back to my worse buy… Nvidia 3060 Rev 2…

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Hi! which HiveOs version ar you running? I have the same 6900 XT ASRock and is not being detected by HiveOs and I cant apply any overclocks!

Config with MSI and ASROCK, low consumption, high hashrate, low temp.

Hey! Do you know why the name is 6900 XTX and not 6900 XT?
Doing the same overclocks and with this great results!

I think its because 2 AsRock and 2 MSI are OC, except XT.
x2 AsRock 6900xt Formula OC (XTX)
x2 MSI 6900xt Z Gaming (XTX)
x1 MSI 6900xt X Gaming (XT)

It is also the one that consumes less power, so it makes sense

Okey! Mine also is ASRock OC but didn’t know why it appears as 6900 XTX
Thanks again for all the info!

Recently i’ve bought XFX RX 6900 XT and it came out XTX.
Can’t get it work. It shows as Unknown GDDR6.
Does anyone get it work?
Or know a way to suggest?
I’ve already tried to update and downgrade.


when you have 63 Mh’s, do you have original BIOS or flash?
My 6900XT is on way and I not found any BIOS.

Thank’s for your answers.
Moni :wave:t4:

Hi Prowennco,
can you help me with a card from me 6900 xt, I can’t get over 58 mh / s I’ve already tried everything

salve ragazzi
ho un problema che mi fa imazzire
io ho 4 amd 6900 xt powercolor memoria Samsung GDDR6 · 113-D41201-XT
3 schede non mi danno problemi. una scheda invece mi segnala 3 o 4 invalid share al giorno
ho provato diversi overclock settings ma non riesco a risolvere il problema

  • prima ho cambiato tutti i cavi e i riser
  • poi ho montato le 4 gpus su un altra motherboard
    la gpu che segnala invalid share è sempre la stessa
    ora ho provato a resettare overclock settings ed ho solo settato SoC VDDmax=960 come tutte le altre gpu
    non ho risolto il problema
    qualcuno sa suggerirmi cosa posso fare?

is it phantom gaming ?

My Cards are AMD Founders and runn with the NBMiner