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RX 580 Gigabyte Gaming Samsung memory

Ok @Emm. I have this one for RX 580 8G Samsung K4G80325FC (108 K ROM). Maybe it will be useful…

Hey thanks Friend.

Will check and update you on this.

Thanks so much , i will try it

i use it , it work but have invalid share in fist times

Unfortunately it’s stuck on miner initialisation and then reboot

This is my stock

Please help me with OC and Mod

i have gigabyte rx 580
i am on stock rom
I get only 26.8 MH, I want 30 MH
what to do?
I tried different overclock but hashrate did not increase

In some cases Samsung RX580 memory works best with “amdmemtweak –REF 30” and try to enable “Aggressive Undervolting” … Hope this helps. Tell me, how did it go!

Hi @juniorhero
I use the same GPU. This is my settings…

hi @amackata

i tried your config, still my card gets the same speed

Hi your mod is work but have more invalid share , you have any idea can fix it

Maybe is not the GPU. You have cable conexion or wifi? Or is the only GPU you get invalid share? weird…

@juniorhero you mod the bios?

I use caple , when i mod your bios and when i start rig , only this gpu have invalid share , i mod black orginal bios so it normal , can fix it ??
my setting 580 :

@amackata i use ethernet
i have other gpu
all working fine

only this gpu has less MH

Hello! I keep getting invalid shares on my Gigabyte!

Very low oc… Bios modded by polaris. My memory is different from yours, FB vs FC… What can I do?

Agressive undervolt on, already tried with DPM 1, 2 and 3

Hi there !!! Sorry for the delay …
@joaokrm I only have samsung K4G80325FC memory and it is different from yours but I never can get over then Core Clock 1150 Mhz. If I were you I would try first with 1100 and see if it’s ok. Don’t worry about low hashrate, stabilize the GPU first and then increase the core clock to the limit… Also you can try with Core Voltage and Memory Controller Voltage 1) 800/800 2) 850/850 or inclusive 3) 850/800 in some strange cases works for me …

@Danh12 I mod your Bios (it’s doesn’t work?) or is only invalid shares? If is invalid shares, I think is the same thing I said before “Don’t worry about low hashrate, stabilize the GPU first and then increase the OC little bit to the limit…

@juniorhero that’s strange ! Let me see your bios…


Sorry @juniorhero I mean share to me your Bios rom. Your rom file to see whats going on. Is strage, it’s like is not mod.

Nop. Something goes wrong… pastebin says: Error, this is a private paste or is pending moderation…

Use Is much easy…


Ok @juniorhero … I think I got it. I HOPE. I see whats going on. You cannot get more then 30 Mhs couse the BIOS have low timing strap on the last 1750 and 2000.
I change it. I create jpg file for the original and other jpg with the mod, and obviously the rom…
Hope this save the problem… You can download from

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