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RX 5700 XT Overlocking and Undervolting

None ! :grimacing:
You should check Youtube Mining Channels !!! :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face:

Good Luck !

I didn’t ask about profibality … I just ask what kind algorithm is the best for those cards where nvidia are worst :wink: I’m searching niche coin to mine :stuck_out_tongue:

you can use whattomine and to see the hashrates for amd and nvida cards. You can then compare the values. These sites usually don’t show very good power values. If you do a decent job ocing the card, you should get better values for the power


just saw this video, and they show a partial spreadsheet with hashrates

Hi. Send me pls biosmod rom [email protected]
5700xt gigabyte oc micron

Hi.good time Send me pls biosmod rom [email protected]
5700xt gigabyte oc micron

and here we are again… spending hours tweaking the hashs…

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