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RTX A2000 temperature issues

I use Cooler Master fans (1800 rpm 62 CFM), 21 degree ambient temperature, I have autofan at 75% and 56 degree as average temperature (12 GPUs rig). Probably I need to try different positions for fans, I need more testing

I wanted to use Gelid pads too, about -10 for memory is good. Is it difficult to disassemble the card?

Disassemble the card it’s very easy… only few torx screw… and one four pin to remove for the fan…
in the picture … some oil on mem… very poor quality pad… only one month of work…

Now I ordered a new sets of thermal pad from aliexpress, it’s cheaper than amazon or ebay.

Thanks for the tips, I want to mount new pads ad well and Gelid ones looked like a good option to me but maybe there are better and cheaper ones. I had a look at Aliexpress, did you find anything good at a reasonable price?

I found these pads, no brand but 17w/mk, 100x100 1,5mm, less than 6 € for one… I bought 3, I hope they are good enough … I still have 9 cards to fix

I have not read the rules of this forum, if it is allowed put the link directly …

Very cheap. I bought Thermalright Extreme Odyssey that is 12,8 W/MK 120x120x1.5mm at 31€… On saturday I’ll mount the pads with new thermal paste for the CPU, I’ll let you know the results

nothing to do with core but I changed thermal pads on memory for copper pads 1.2mm and got 56on core and 64 on memory.

Nice idea, now I have 56 degree with Artic thermal paste on core too (fan 75%, 20 degree ambient), how do you read memory temperature? I’d like to see if temperature dropped after assembling the new pads

Under windows in HWMonitor or NBMiner

It’s a shame Nvidia has not implemented yet a driver to read temperatures under linux, at this point I guess it’s by design for business reasons. As far as I know it’s not possible under Hiveos because of the drivers

Hi, I’m having with me A2000, I am unable to make it work in my rig, when i connect A2k to my rig, it freezes while booting up. have any suggestions?

how much is your ram

8GB stick

guys to cool this gpu you should place the fans above it . it has low cooling efficiency when placed at the back and it shows its almost stable hashrate when the temp is under 55 degrees

try using a different booting drive. how many cards have you hooked up

Could you share your setup? such as which oil , PSU, ram and motherboard


Somehow my mixed rig with 3080, 11xA4000 and AMD 5700 Pro displays temperatures for nvidias too. Using lolMiner. But when I run lolMiner on other rig with 7 A4000, there is no temps, dunno why?

Is your hiveos on the latest version? Drivers updated?

Sounds like you’re on an older hive version if it’s not showing.

I have a mixed rig with A2000 and A4000 cards, finally memories temperatures are shown for every single card.

I also changed thermal pads, after 24h 55/72 degrees. Not bad but they need better cooling, hashrate is between 41.7 and 43.6 depending on the memory clock that is possible to set

Yes, I updated HiveOS to latest on all rigs during weekend and now all Axxx cards are displaying their temperatures also for memory (which is not a nice view ATM 90-96 degrees).
I ordered these copper plates: RTX a2000 Parts | RTX GPU Memory Cooling Solutions
Also I will try to repad the cards and repaste them so lets’s see. 55/72 would be awesome.

Did you receive the copper pads? Are good quality? I don’t know if they’ll provide lower temperatures compared to high quality thermal pads, but from my understanding the best you can get with these cards is with improved air cooling.

Just try with a 2000 RPM 8x8 case fan in front of the GPU (air flow directed in front of the card), with a good 3d printer you should be able to build stuff like that: