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RTX 3070 settings

Only watt limit

New core settings

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You dont need PL when using absolute core settings

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A 3070ti is LHR. There is no work around.
You didnt know it was low hashrate?
All the new TI models are low hashrate.
If the model number ends in “kL” its low hash rate

1100 core
2700 memory
0 power limit.
Do NOT use 0 power limit with out absolute core settings applied.

I have a msi ventus and 4 Evgas ftw3s. The msi runs higher wattage and not quite as cool…
Evgas are awesome.

So evgas ftw3 are colder then ventuses?

In my case, yes.

Hey I’m new to mining are these settings good? I get constant rate.

GPU 0,1,3 Asus Rog Strix
GPU 2 Aorus Gigabyte
Because of invalid stale make in config Delay (40)
TRex and TRM
Any good suggestions?

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All looking good, for me the mem should never be above 2500, will onlly give you in the 1€ more per month per card but will also make it run hotter so may brake down fast, other then that temps looking good !

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try to put the core at 1070 on the one that is having invalid shares and see if it helps, if it doesnt make the mem 2500, other then that everything looks perfecto !


Keeping it is a very good idea tho, if somehow the card try’s to pull more hiveos wont let it, this could prevent a ton of very bad things. plus keeping it at 130 doesnt cost anything.

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I dont know why people are trying to go past 62 mhs for the 3070. Even if its a little under but your memory doesnt suffer, it will be more stable and offer longer service in the end. Stability and efficiency are far more important than 0.3-0.5 mhs

Its all about memory junction temps, not core temps.
The 3070s run cool even at max memory, atleast the Evgas do.

My temps seem to be on bit higher side.
Any suggestion to decrease the temps?

One thing to also keep in mind is that the 30 series cards don’t show mem temp, and they can get HOT. I’ve measured some mem temps (outside hive) at roughly 2x the GPU temp when the GPU is mining at 45*. Another reason I keep my fans on full blast

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Let’s hope that Nvidia adds memory temp to their Linux firmware fast. It is a shame that windows can but Linux still doesn’t support

You should benchmark in windows and use wininfo to watch ur memory temps. Then use those same settings in hive.
Just because you crank ur fans doesnt mean ur protected from killing your GPUs memory.
You could be totally fine, but you might not be, i would never assume.
3070s run pretty cool. 3080s are what u have to watch

That is not true at all…lol
Your fans use wattage, the faster they go the more power they use…
Watch your wattage go up as your fans ramp up.
Use auto fan and set ur auto temps to 50c, ull be fine

I’ve measured the watts from the wall with the system not mining and just adjusting the fan settings. The additional draw from the wall was 1.5 watts when going from 0% to 100%

1.5 watts is so negligible that it’s a 0 in my book.

HiveOS must think the same thing, because the watts reported per GPU don’t increase when I raise the fan speed