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P106-90L 6GB Manli with malfunction

I buy this GPU for U$40 tested on windows with 461 nvidia driver version and work all fine on GPU-Z and msi afterburner on gminer doing 7mhs to 8.5mhs but on hiveos start with malfunction not load a drivers?
Obs I have a drivers new on hiveos from May of 2023

Can anybody help me please?

I would try an older driver, from around the date of when your card was released

hiveos have a 461.1 nvidia version on driver?

You can install any nvidia driver you want, just specify after the driver update command

Examples here: Updating AMD and NVIDIA drivers

can post a exact command please

See here, replace with the link for whatever linux driver you choose: Updating AMD and NVIDIA drivers

im using hiveos version with kernel 5.10 will accept update old driver

with nvidia-driver-update ??

I havent tried that combo, so youll have to try and see

donta have a sucess.
Can please tell for support of hiveos compile P106-090 3GB and 6GB and P106-100 3GB and 6GB for new hiveos Version plaese.its a genuine GPU for mineration.

Did the driver install successfully?

no cause i will lost my wifi usb conection old kernel dont have a driver

Changing the driver wont change the kernel. You’re following the how-to i posted above, right?

the wifi is not compatible with old kernel.

Why are you changing the kernel?

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