GPU9 is interesting
i have 6 Rx580 and 4 RX6800
i cant oc any of them
when i try error’s will comes up tell me gpu is dead or amd driver failed
how can i fix this and use they max hashrate?
what invalid shares (in front of gpus)(just rebooting 1min before of taking picture) mean?
I tried @dazeb 's settings with BIOS(uber-mix 3.2) flashed MSI Armor RX580 .
Core Clock: 1200
Core Voltage: 850
Memory Clock: 2200
amdmemtweak --REF 30
32.55 MH with 80 watt.
on 85 watt i have 34.20 MH with Sapphire Nitro+ SE
i have test this week whole range on Sapphire Rx580 with micron, and other tab the XFX Rx580 with hynix, both can run mem @ 2300
On top from screenshot you see 1200@825mv with 2200 mem@825mv with the memcontroler on 800mv and use 76 watts on the Sapphire nitro+ SE
the XFX uses 1200@850mv wth mem 2200@825mv and mem controler I/O on 800mv
Micron strap on 2000: 777000000000000022AA1C0073626C41B0591016BACDC6090060060004061420EA8940AA030000001914292EAE2E3B16
for max 2300 mhz ram clock ( here is polaris not stable on timings above 2100 mhz ram )
Sapphire uses Polaris 20 XTR and the XFX Polaris 20 XTX
XTR from sapphire is not efficient.
Is that sapphire setting or micron or hynix?!
Hi, i modded my bios manually… im using the teamredminer… with my bios mod i got this as best result:
I would upload the bios mod here but dont know how…
I may have missed it above, but what does --ref 20 (or ref 30) actually do?
Hi Phil, could you send me this BIOS? I have same card but I can’t get this results. =/
hi I have 6 asrock rx 580 and vbios by Polaris
whith this ox sitting and Hashrates Power sage is very high about 100 is that normal ?
the screenshot whs from saphire with Micron ram.
the sapphire with hynix ram is not so power hungry
Rx 580 XFX XTX runs :
1150/0/800/800/2050/800 @ Ref 30
1150@800mv on XTX chip
2050@800 on Hynix GDDR5
mem I/O @800
Ethash 30,55@53W is efficientie of 57,64%
the second efficient is :
1150@800 on XTX chip
2150@800 on Hynix GDDR5
Mem I/O @ 800
Ethash 31.12@54w is efficientie from 57,63%
Saphire Nitro+ SE RX50 with XTR chip on Micron GDDR5
Efficientie not so good .
highest efficientie is
1175@806 on XTR chip
2200@806 Micron GDDR5
mem I/O@800
Ethash 31.9@72w is efficientie from 44.31%
the second is
1175@806 XTR chip with Micron GDDR5
2150@806 Gddr5 Micron
mem I/O@8000
Ethash 31,83@72w efficientie from 44.21%
1150@800 is less efficient 42% on sapphire XTR chips
NOw uptime 4 day’s on Ethash with highes safe settings ( voltage can lower on Sapp to 900mv and XFX 906mv)
Hi body
Its not really work for me
xfx rx580 sk hynix core…do me a favour and answer me plz
You cant reched 1150 or 1175 wit lower than 850mv?
Or what not work?
The ram speed not work out of the box or with polaris editor straps.
Polaris editor straps fails on 2200 and higer and seems a moded samsung strap not hynix.
If i back on my pc i can send my straps from 1500 to 2250.
The core voltage linked to ram voltage.
And I/O need 950.
I/O safe 800mv 2000 to 2150
I/O safe 850 2200 to 2250
I/0 2250 and up need 950 I/O voltage.
What info you need and what xfx card you have?
I have same as your second card on your pic sent first
I wanna reach to 34 mh …but many setting failed
HYnix straps
1500: 777000000000000022AA1C00B56A6D46C0551017BE8E060C006006000C081420EA8900AB030000001B162C31C0313F17
1625: 777000000000000022AA1C00B56A6D46C0551017BE8E060C006006000C081420EA8900AB030000001B162C31C0313F17
1750: 777000000000000022AA1C00B56A6D46C0551017BE8E060C006006000C081420EA8900AB030000001B162C31C0313F17
2000: 777000000000000022AA1C00B56A6D46C0551017BE8E060C006006000C081420EA8900AB030000001B162C31C0313F17
2250: 777000000000000022BB9C00B5E67C49C0551015BF8E360C006686000C081420EA8900AB030000001A163745C3313F1A
34 Mhs on XTX chip with hynix with this timing: 1266/0/881/950/2300/881
1266mhz Core @ 881 ( if fail 888 )
I/O voltage 950
2300mhz GDDR5 @ 881 ( if core fail also 888 )
you can set max ram speed in polaris from 2250 to 2300 and saafe and set this timing on hynix straps.
this is 34.03@68W on HiveOS - TeamRedMiner
PS: the polari editor straps also fail here with overclocking ram and i/0 voltage.
polaris straps need minimal 1050mv for 2200 and 1260mv for 2300.
it mkes the controller instable.
if you have failed numebers more than 1 in 5 houre clock down gpu or add 6mv to both
gpu runs on memclock voltage