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HiveOS Clone Deploy Task Stalling Out

Hello, so I am running Proxmox on an ARM CPU (I was able to get it ported) but it only works with creating containers so I spun up a Ubuntu 18 Proxmox container (Ubuntu 16 does not work) and followed this guide to deploying HiveOS via PXE since that would be the only way to manually install HiveOS without using the .img since I cant deploy VM’s. I realize I am using tons of things that are unsupported in HiveOS including using an arm CPU, deploying in proxmox container, and using Ubuntu 18 instead of 16. But anyway I ran the and modified the file to use this file “” instead of the old one that does not exist anymore. Then I followed the steps in clone deploy and I saw the hiveos image in clone deploy and it says its 2GB so then I ran the task to create the machine and its frozen.

it shows this in my active tasks, it does not show a percentage or how long its going to take. I let this run for hours and nothing changed. According to the guide, its supposed to look like this.
yet it does not. Any ideas why? Is it because I’m using many unrecommended/unsupported versions that just don’t work for clone deploy/hiveos or am I doing something wrong? Is there a better way to manually install hiveos without using a .img so I can install ubuntu 18 and then run the necessary commands to install it. Any ideas? I assume it’s just not possible to do this on my setup but I love trying to do a fix stupid stuff like this but I’m at a loss on how to troubleshoot this problem. Thanks!

Edit: I was able to downgrade to ubuntu 16 LTS and I’m having the same problem. I also tried using this image “” and same problem.

These 2 logs are listed, not sure if they are relevant.

Maybe @HaloGenius can take a look

It looks like he hasn’t been active in some time. Unlikely he will respond. I might just be SOL.