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Help with and saving Amdmemorytweak strap

Thanks! Worked.

It means run in the backgroundā€¦donā€™t wait for the command to complete.

I assume that you have to have the & in there? I did it without it and it didnā€™t work.

Yes. From the OpenBox Wiki ā€œMake sure that you end any commands with ā€œ&ā€ so that they are run in the background, or any programs after it will not run.ā€

Iā€™m running 3 different straps just fine. Also, I meant to comment that the second red circle means add an extra line at the end.

It may help to configure a miner delay too.

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the two circles is just to highlight that you need the & at the end and that you should put a line break in

Worked for me! Thanks! :+1:

Only modification I had to make was to add ā€œsleep 2mā€ before my amdmemtweak settings. Otherwise it would screw with the teamredminer tuning process.

here r some info may be helpful with hours testing for that strap-command-dont-work-guys :
step1:spark bell ;
2:type:nano /home/user/
3:get to the bottom with ur keyboard and rightclick+ctrl v your strap
4:ctrl+o,ctrl+x then y
5: back to the spark bell and type : sudo reboot
if it goes well ,your rig will reboot and mine with strap automaticly now ! :slight_smile:

Hey guys, I am really very new to mining but of course learning and reading every day. Maybe you can help me a little bit.

I have 2 MSI Vega 64 Air Boost models, that I have already flashed via hiveOS to Vega 56 Air Boosts. Where Iā€™m struggling is the xinit.user straps thing. I just donā€™t know where I can edit these, so mentioned, straps.

So my Rig is running in another room, I am sitting at the computer, hiveOS 0.6-208@210818 running.
I open ā€œShell in A boxā€ but what do I have to do now for the straps and the xinit.user thing? Where I can open this file over hiveOS? Or am I completely wrong? :slight_smile:

hey guy ,just read every words in this post from top to the bottomļ¼Œull figure it out. it is necessary to learn by yourself if mining! it can be painful at first,but trust me ,ull be paid!