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Has the payout threshold changed?

I think for simplicity, it may be easier for you (Hive team)

  1. Send emails, I do not use ANY social media, and im not alone, I personally Hate FB with a passion.
  2. Toss together a short tutorial / video walkthrough, so people can see the process of a manual payout and the benefits this has with this change. Be transparent.
  3. Never ever tell or say in any reply to any one ever “That’s not something to be upset at, should be the opposite” with how they are suppose to feel.

I’m only a messenger, I’m just here to party :slight_smile: work as a team, win as a team.


payout policy is posted on the website as well, we dont do spam emails for every update. you can opt in to the telegram/twitter/facebook/discord etc if you want to be notified of updates in realtime, many channels to choose from if you dont like social media. updates are also posted on the blog

people are upset because they arent reading the updated policy and making assumptions, all the info is there if people would read it :slight_smile: people were upset there wasnt a manual payout or level 2 payout option, now we add it in and people are upset they have manual withdraw option and level 2 payout :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I think you’re misunderstanding what’s going on here. You didn’t “lose” any Ethereum, the payout threshold just doubled. That means that whatever percent you were at before is now halved. The actual amount of Ethereum in the payout storage is the same. Hope that helps.

Ok, let’s just get this clear: the reason OP is upset is because he will more than likely NOT REACH THE PAYOUT THRESHOLD BEFORE ETHEREUM 2.0 COMES OUT. And therefore lose the money not to mention waste his time.


Doing my research previously I believe you would have had the money transferred anyways even if you didn’t reach threshold when Eth 2.0 comes out. This policy has since changed & now the minimum threshold has also changed.

Although now you can go into your settings and do it manually before you hit threshold…

Error on puting the public ip address. I’m mining on windows. HELP!

I read the payout link above,But I don’t know how to enter the correct IP address.
I use windows and mine with Hiveon Pool. I use the cmd window, type #ipconfig to query my own ip address, when I enter it into Payouts Settings, the IP address is wrong,and my own ip address does not contain 66.
How should I enter the correct IP address?

go to whatismyip . com

There are always more solutions than problems, right?

I know that, it gives me that error with the public ip address where the worker is. 0.2eth is to mutch for me

Did you get it working?

Refresh that page, there should be a hint ip to match (look in the screenshot below yours) if you just started mining to that address after not having any active miners you may need to wait a bit for the hint ip to show, then you can enter your public ip

this problem solved.thanks

Does your browser have a proxy plugin? It will guide you to search for a proxy IP, maybe you should use another browser to search your IP address, such as Microsoft Edge.

it doesn’t show any hint, i have been mining to that address about 1 month ago

nop, no proxy. I tried diferent browsers, reboot the router of the internet, reboot the worker and nothing

if we add polygon integration meta wallet on are pool the found we have already inside are pool will deleted or all transfer in new wallet polygon and we will able to manual whitdraw the old etherium we have in are pool .someone told me the old etherium we have inside are pool will deleted and pool start from begining and we cant get it back all etherium will be gone,
im hopefully waiting the hive os answer this replay and we get all clear mind and fix this issue im do really like the hive os comunity and hoping we grow so nice and easy .

how much will cost 80 gas price if we do manual 0.1 eth

Hold up!! The option to get paid faster is on the new wallet that will be created in Metamask not on our existing miner wallet setups that are inflight ? Am I wrong? I’m mining ETH to a Coinbase wallet. If I change the address to Metamask all my inflight accumulation will stop on the Coinbase address.

I can see what Waqas is saying. I have a couple of wallet addresses and one takes 60 days to hit 0.1 and now will take 120 days.

This is an arbitrary change and benefits HIVEOS only. There should be more warning about this and at least keep the 0.1 with a grace period so people can adjust without losing money.

Correct me if I’m wrong. Call me Ken.


if you’re using the coinbase wallet, there is no need for metamask as coinbase wallet supports wETH as well.

if you’re mining to coinbase exchanges deposit wallet, then you are correct, you cannot use that wallet for polygon withdrawal as you dont have the keys to it, coinbase does. you can withdraw on polygon straight to it for free above .005 eth.

and if it took you 60 days to reach .1 eth to get your payout before, you will reach the new min payout for manual withdraw (you pay gas fee if mainnet, or free on polygon) in 3 days, so no need to worry about it taking 120 days to reach .2 eth unless you really dont want to spend ~$1.50-$3 in gas fees to manual withdraw.