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EXceed THrushold but syill not paid

nope i have less than 2% stale shares and around 0.09 invallid shares

What’s your eth address?

I’m in the same boat. Nothing. I see it’s not just me either. Tons of people having this issue. Time to change pools??? My mining address [0xa94ed8C5b14acFB1Ea90bc256Ac3A39EBEfB5155]

Looks like you’ve exceeded 5% stales multiple times, which per the pool rules will freeze payout. You don’t have to make the same comment on every payout post. If you exceed 5% the payout gets frozen and you have to email support and wait for them to unfreeze. If you stay wishing the pool rules you have nothing to worry about.

I mean it literally says high. Never mentions a % number.

You had almost 25% invalid/stales at that one point. 0-1% is normal.

5% is listed in the payout faq:

Are there payouts for stale shares?

A valid share is contributed before the winning block. In turn, a stale share is a share that was sent after a block was already solved.

Payment for stale shares is made - it is 50%.

For **up to 5%** of stale shares, the conditions are the same. Starting **from 5% and above**, the pool freezes the payouts, meaning you won't get paid for your stale shares. If the problem of high stales persists for 24 hours, the wallet is blacklisted and payouts are frozen until further notice.

Such radical measures are related to the fact that fraudulent miners abuse our stale shares payout system. Thank you for understanding and thank you for using our ecosystem.

Understood. Thanks again. I’m trying to delete my sky is falling post to help. CAn you delete it ?

1 Like

It’s just weird because i’ve been mining for over 18 months now and never had this issue till a software update. All my friends had the same issue.

Did you have over 5% stales prior?

I can delete it yeah.

Not one time in over 18 months. That’s why i’m confused why I catch a ban this time for a few hours of poor mining due to a software issue.

I’m not trying to be difficult but my last payment was delayed because of gas prices and now this? It’s concerning. I live off this money

Stale shares is almost always a network issue, and it’s to keep people from abusing the pools payout policy since stales are paid for at a reduced rate, the auto ban is there to protect everyone. You don’t want someone getting a share of your pie they didn’t earn right?

100%. Agreed.

This my address


i think i exceeded the stales 1 or 2 times during relocation of my rigs, please advice me as i changed my wallet to zelcore i thought there is a problem in my Metamask wallet :S

Email support with all the relevant info [email protected]

thank you

Stale shares are not a network issue. At the most, they are created because HiveOS uses old drivers and the new hardware cannot work properly with it. I have less than 1% stales in Windows, but on the same rig, they rise over 10% in HiveOS.
In the end, looks like you penalize your users for your fault. Who will want to create stale shares and get paid 50% for them, instead to submit good ones and getting paid 100%?

I have 40 workers on hive and have 0-1% stales, check your network/servers etc. sounds like an issue or setting on your end, not hives.

And people can maliciously send stale shares and get credited 50% in addition to the valid shares, and get paid at a higher rate then what they would do valid shares alone, which is why stales are capped at 5% before manual review, to be sure they’re not being abused.

On your rigs, do you have AMD RX 6x00 series GPUs?
As I said, there is nothing to do with network settings. I have a rig with RX 6x00 GPUs that work perfectly with Windows OS, but when I switch it to running with Hive OS on the same servers and with the same settings and the same miner creates over 10% bad shares. The problem is that Hive OS uses old modified drivers to run the newest GPUs.

You, as someone who manages 40 rigs, know that the Total Hashrate of your rigs is a sum of the good shares and bad (stale, invalid, and rejected) shares. So there is no way for someone to create and

[quote=“keaton_hiveon, post:21, topic:67048”]
maliciously send stale shares
to increase its pay rate.

When someone submits bad shares to the pool only decreases its pay rate.