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Dual mining ETH + ZIL wallet settings with hiveon

I tried dual mining using zilpool (I think that was name of it) and Sparkpool. I entered my account name instead of my wallet as I use account mining on sparkpool to scoop up their interest they pay on holding your eth. When I do this zilpool closes me down saying invalid wallet address as it doesnt seem to accept account mining on sparkpool. Its strange they need to validate my eth wallet as I am just switching to that pool for zil. Did you have any luck using dual mining that supports account mining on sparkpool?

hey. I havent Managed to get this working, tried only few times thoā€¦ In team Red miner latest there is new support for set dual mining for eth Zilā€¦ Just can get into my head what are the in conf arguments that are reguiredā€¦ even there is a good guide for trm. I anyone who have set up this new Trm dual can take the time and show how to flightsheet. dont really get it that it goes with only one minerā€¦ so required arguments for connect zil server and wallet, epoch etc are all in eth trm flightsheet?? Total noob in dual miningā€¦ For others not so :wink:

Hi All,
Iā€™ve managed to get the ETH+ZIL mining wirking on TeamRedMiner (Lastest version)
With HiveOS (Lastest version)

here you can see my config:

after selecting which GPUs will be working on this configuracion (-d 0,2,3), you have to add the following argument:

ā€“zil -o stratum+tcp:// -u ETHWALLET.ZILWALLET.%WORKER_NAME% -p x --zil_end

NOTE: replace ETHWALLET and ZILWALLET with your ETH and ZIL wallets.

ā€“zil -o stratum+tcp:// -u 0x68cb343bf7c79598dcd6c317cb27930000000000.zil1mq1tp21thas3r2hd0sceg7m54qm40000000000.%WORKER_NAME% -p x --zil_end

remember to separate both wallets with a dot.

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thanks, so system wil pick up worker name with config"worker name "or is that ref that u need to add the actual worker nameā€¦ feel stupid even asking but still have doubt, have tried so many setupā€¦ :sweat_smile:

Well, I added %Worker_Name% argument, but I think if you add any name the pool will show it anyway.
In my case, itā€™s picking up my worker name from hive.

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tried your config and all looks fine. but after 3 times mining zil on shradpool my worker went offline for the zil pool. Eth mining on ethermine works fine.

did you have same expirience?

You mean you canā€™t mine ZIL at all after those 3 rounds?
If so, no, Iā€™m mining normally. 1 ZIL round after 100 minutes.

I donā€™t know about shard pool because Iā€™m using Ezil pool

any Gminer setting here?
binance + ezil possible??

Thank for config TeamRedMiner

Do you have config for PhoenixMiner too?

best regards

Hi @Kenshinji
I donā€™t have any Nvidia card to try, but here is what I found on Google, hope it works for you:

Is a post in site explaining how to mine ETH+ZIL with a few miners.

anyone have the configs for NBminer for ETh+Zil i farm Eth in hiveos pool!!!



i want also this config eht on hive and zil in, i have try alot of things and dont work :frowning:

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Have you managed to get it work on phoenixminer on hiveos?

Not yet

Thank you for all your doing lol. I finally figured out t rexā€¦ and been running the old trm algorithm. Im about to try this. my one question, what about the defalt wallet and pools? Are you setting them normalā€¦eth.zilā€¦and then the pools?

Yes, for the wallet is eth.zil

thanks, i ended up leaving the cards and pools in the fs

ya i got it working, trm, wouldnt run on shard, but is running fine on ezil. and the t-rex is running well on shardā€¦ going to let them run for a day, then maybe try to get both on the same pool

Just wanted to give back to the community and show you a working configuration with a rig running both teamredminer and trex. Mining Eth to Hiveon Pool and Mining Zil to

Hope this helps other folks!


Volevo indicarvi il dual miner ETH+ZIL ETH su pool hiveon e zil su pool
Con Iolminer x le gpu Nvidia
E per le amd Team red miner
Funziona al 100 x 100!!!
Buon lavoro e buon mining a tutti.

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Thank you very much. This was really helpful.