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Best OC for RX 580 4GB sapphire for ERGO mining

hello guys
here are my settings , but i can’t get over 60mh while a lot of people have up to 65mh

any suggestion ?
thank you

I would suggest for you to remove the dpm state. Dont know why people use ot at all. Then again increase a bit the core clock to 1150 and i sert core voltage 850 or higher if needed. You can put also memory controller voltage to 800

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i did these parameters :
fan speed 65
1150 850/800 2100
i’m getting less Mh , about 61mh ! thanks
but it sometimes restarts ,( GPU dead !! )
is there any thing to modify for more performance ?

if sometimes goes dead , you need more juice - meaning voltage . increase core voltage to 860.
you can even try core clock 1168 with voltage 860 or 875. how much power consumption you get with these settings? what about the temps ?

Have you tried running the original bios through Polaris Bios editor? Even the free version first. I’ve done both free and paid.

Don’t forget to save you original bios first.

Polaris Bios Editor 3 PRO 2020 - PBE 3 Pro Performance Timings - GPU Mining Bios Mod Database Shop 💲⛏

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i tried these parameters :

oc : fan 65 /core clock 1168/ vdd : 860/mem clock 2000
result 58.01 Mh & temp 59° & power consomption : 77 w

oc : fan 65 /core clock 1150 / vdd : 860/mem clock 2000
result 57.99 Mh & temp 59° & & power consomption : 76 w

oc : fan 65 /core clock 1150 / vdd : 860/mem clock 2100
result 60.38 Mh & temp 55° & power consomption 76w but keeps restarting

oc : fan 65 /core clock 1168 / vdd : 860/mem clock 2100
result : 60.9 Mh & temp 58° & power consomption 77 w but keeps restarting

when i increase the memory clock to 2100 , the hash rate increases ,
when i set VDD to default , the power consumption is about 97w
i increased the VDD to 860 but it still restarting !!!


i tried these :
oc : fan 65 /core clock 1168 / vdd : 875 /mem clock 2100
result : 60.9 Mh & temp 58° & power consomption 77 w

it seems that it is little bit stable then before ! even the hash rate became little bit stable !

but i Believe that this is not the limit ,some could increase their hashrate to 65 or 70 !

i’m lefting this as the finale try ! thank you
what is the benefit of running the original bios theough polaris bios editor ?

2050 mem clock

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oc : fan 65 /core clock 1168 / vdd : 875 /mem clock 2050
result : 59.58 Mh & temp 58° & power consomption 77 w

i think that when i increase mem clock to 2100 , i get above 60mh , but the problem of GPU dead appears again !

So you cant get them to 2100 oltimal is 2050 2070 and thats all.

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thank you very much brother !!

do you think that bios moding worth it ? and what are the drawbacks of it ?

Drawbacks are warranty void. If you het it new feom the store it will have warranty, if its second hand i hardly believe someone didnt mod it already. Other than that, with stock bios i was able to get 29.29mhs with 89 watts consumption but with modded i get 32.22 with 103 watts. I did calculation of these 24-25 watts increase and how they impact my electricitg bill and how almost 3mhs increase in profits so its worth it.

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thank you very much !!

i set up these OC , but the rig is keeping on restarting !! ( it takes about 1 hour or two )
fan 65
1168 / 875/ 2050
power : 77w & hashrate
what is the problem ?
thanks body

Make the core voltage 880. It might be also from bad memory timings but for now make the core clock 880.

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Hey R. Nobody is talking about efficiency any more? What about heat and lifespan of the GPU’s? I found the best settings for my RX 580’s, mining ETC. 1st is a NITRO and is not that efficient but, God, is a very cool card, the second is a PULSE, and in the middle, I think I should replace the thermal paste on it. The third is a PULSE too, I have replaced the thermal paste already. Drawing under 370W at the wall. The ambint temp is 25-26 C. They run on phoenixminer at hiveon pool. Getting abbout 89 MH at pool. Never get a crash or dead, or reboot other than I wanted to.

P.S. I need to add more cards, but is very hard to find.

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thank you bro , such a nice setting , temp is so low and that’s gonna increase the lifespan significantly !!
power consumption is also good , thanks for sharing !!!

dudes dont worry about lifespan of the cards. gaming is doing more harm because when you play heavy games you run the gpu at max and it heats up 70 degrees and fan speed is 100. while mining you keep it cool around 50+ degrees and my fan is alwasy 63% so not running at max. dont worry if they work 24 hours. its what they are made to do. if you run engine of a car at max for a few hours will do more harm than run in all day with medium or moderate speed. we are downclocking and undervolting the GPU for mining while gaming is the exact opposite. check in internet , all second hand GPUs have run atleast 1 yeah without any problem. Sapphire gpus are total beasts , you are using bare minimum of them. i suggest you increase your core clock atleast 1150 and voltage 825-850, mem clock 2050 or 2100. you are not even close on the maximum settings. maximum of these cards are something like 1300-1400 core clock with 1000+ voltages and 2200+ memory. so you are running it in the very same parameters and you keep it cool also . it should run for years without a problem. just sometimes you might change the thermal paste, but i wouldnt worry if they run under 60-65 degrees.


Ergo does not need mem speed. Set it at 1800. Increase your core clock to 1300 and VDD to 925~950 depending on your card. You’ll get 69Mh

I get 60-65 with my eth settings and i even geto 10-15 watts less power consumption