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AMD FirePro W7100 8GB. .... Hidden GEM 42MH

how did you flash?

amdvbflash should work just fine, I believe it has to be 3.04+ to work correctly.

i was able to successfully flash bios, but W7100 no longer reconige :confused:

do i need to uninstall AMD pro software and re install?

run amdvbflash -i and see if the program is recognizing any gpu connected.

looks all normal but something is wrong.
i think my GPU is semi bricked :sob:

adapter bn dn fn dID asic flash romsize test bios p/n
======= == == == ==== =============== ============== ======= ==== ==============
0 01 00 00 692B Tonga GD25Q41B 80000 pass 113-C7670400-102

c:\amdflash>amdvbflash -ai 0
AMDVBFLASH version 3.15 EXTERNAL, Copyright © 2020 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Adapter 0 (BN=01, DN=00, FN=00, PCIID=00001002, SSID=0000230C)
Asic Family : Tonga
Flash Type : GD25Q41B (512 KB)
Product Name is : C76704 Tonga GL PRO A1 GDDR5 8GB 256Mx16 300e/150m
Bios Config File: C7670400.102
Bios P/N is : 113-C7670400-102
Bios Version :
Bios Date is : 10/20/14 17:01
Image 1 – Offset 0x0

ROM header contents:
Signature 0xAA55
PCIR offset 0x02C8
PCI Data Structure
Signature PCIR
Vendor ID 0x1002
Device ID 0x692B
PCI Revision 0x00
Image size 0x10000
Code revision 0x0F2F
Indicator 0x00 (Not last image)
Code type 0x00 (PCAT Image)
Legacy BIOS File Name C7670400.102
Legacy BIOS Part Number 113-C7670400-102
Legacy BIOS Build Number 303939
Legacy BIOS Change List 1089265
Binary BIOS_IDTF 0x8A653ED6
ByteCheckSum 0
Image 2 – Offset 0x10000

ROM header contents:
Signature 0xAA55
PCIR offset 0x001C
PCI Data Structure
Signature PCIR
Vendor ID 0x1002
Device ID 0x692B
PCI Revision 0x00
Image size 0xE400
Code revision 0x0000
Indicator 0x80 (last image)
Code type 0x03 (EFI Image)
EFI Signature 0x0EF1
Compression Type 0x0001 (compressed)
Machine type 0x8664 (X64)
Subsystem 0x000B (EFI boot service driver)
EFI image offset 0x0058 (abs: 0x10058)
UefiSourceRevision GOP AMD REV: x.x.x.x.x
UefiSourceChangeList xxxx
UefiBiosBuildNumber xxxx

Dump Gop Driver Info:
Machine type code X64
The GOP Driver appears to be Authenticode signed.
Size Of Gop Image 96384 (94 KB)
GOP Driver Name: AMD GOP X64 Release Driver Rev. 1 2014.14:38:36
GOP AMD_Build 30
GOP AMD_CL 1032402
GOP Driver does not carry tables!

hmm, is it throwing any error when you mine with it or use it? I’d try reinstalling the drivers because the bios test passed so it shouldn’t be bricked, If that doesn’t work try re-flashing the bios using atiflash 3.04+ I know that that version has some features that work better with flashing vs other version’s. make sure its the “+” version and not the regular 3.04. I’m not sure if 3.15 has the same features as 3.04+ so that could be the issue.

Windows will screw up with modded BIOSes with AMD cards.

Try HiveOS on a USB stick on your PC and see if it works.

The alternative is to use a Windows driver patcher to bypass the driver check in Windows.

i brought back from the dead!
i kept getting failed with flashing from back up (made from GPU-Z), but no luck.
i grabbed another w7100 and backup bios with “amdvbflash” and flash with that bios worked!
looks like Bios part number is different with Modded version.
my cards are Legacy BIOS Part Number 113-C7670400-103
and modded bios is Legacy BIOS Part Number 113-C7670400-102
not sure this has to do with modded bios flash failure.

maybe this is the answer on my case.
Since i do not have wireless adapter with ethernet ext, I was using wifi USB with windows.
maybe i should try using HiveOS to flash my card.

thanks! ill comback in few days after i get my different wifi adapter

I know setup HiveOS on my cheap rig.
installed PCI x1 splitter 4 connected risers. (still missing 6pin splitters, so only runing 3 right now)

im noob with mining & flashing bios.
Im trying to undervolt my cards (which they are all bios 103 , which cause issue when i flash with mistokes18’s bios.?) I try to read his rom with Tonga Bios Reader, but highlighted section shows 0 value.

this is my factory bios reads

can someone upload bios read screenshot for me?


Update 2:
eventhough each card was showing 42MH but actual hash was around 12~17MH each. was barely getting 40~50MH with 3 W7100s.
when i try to mine with teamredminer, i see 9MH, 15MH, 15MH on each cards.with mem clock 1250HZ.

I give a shot to mod bios based on Mistokes18’s bios. and successfuly modded.
i now see 1525MHz memory with lower voltage on each card.

also seeing 19~22 MHz on each cards.
learned a lot from this thread.

thanks all!

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Hi all,

I got one of these W7100 cards for (relatively) cheap about a month ago.
While looking for some information on how to actually use it I came across this thread, which has been invaluable in helping me tweak this card.

I’m getting 24.5 MH/s out of mine, I’ve modded my bios to these settings: (Using TeamRedMiner 0.8.3)

970 MHz GPU Freq
1650 MEM Freq
81°C Temperature
VDDC 1000mV

I also use Amd Memory Tweaker XL to boost the REF to 30 (from 5) Which takes the hashrate from
~23.5 to 24.5

I’m not 100% sure on the power draw on this. When I pause the miner my power meter goes down by ~150W, but not too sure how accurate this is.

I have this set up in my basement which is usually cold AF, so ymmv with these settings may vary.

I’d like to get the power usage down, and I’d also like to edit the memory straps with hex editor to something similar to what the rx380/285 uses.
Any suggestions welcome!
W7100 is GPU 0 in this picture.

any chance you could post your bios? or just your final tweaks in the editor

This should be the one, this was in windows rather than HiveOS. Hive wouldnt apply the AMD memory tweak and could only get to 23.5 MHs

Also, this will make your card run hot, and it’s a power hog… still need to get around to tweaking the voltage for this one.

Been following this thread a while, thanks all.

I have a small fleet of these and last night I was modding bios again and was able to reach what I think is a good enough point to share with others. Some of my gpus wouldn’t do 800mhz @ 900mv and others wouldn’t do 1525mhz… so 785 @ 900mv and 1500 it is.

I recommend teamredminer over phoenixminer, it reports an accurate hashrate which is nice and runs with less power, so cooler… Which is great for these cards since their cooling solution is so terrible. Who puts a plastic heat spreader on a professional GPU?

Core - 785mhz @ 900mv, Mem - 1500mhz

Recommend Fan 100%

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Has anyone found the magic trick to cooling these things? I’ve got some that run 70-75c and others that want to push 90+. I’ve re-pasted all of them, I’ve checked the heatsink fin channels, I’ve been going a little crazy with it. I don’t want to invest in new heatsinks for them as much as I know that would do the trick.

What’s your hashrate for this rom?
Definitely agree about TRM over phoenix.
I also go with 100% fan as well as having a case fan blowing air over it in a cold room.

Perhaps if anyone had access to a high airflow server case, that would improve the cooling for these cards?

Around 21.5 @ 70w per TRM.

Sorry I should have mentioned that.

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@stryfe024 Hi friend ,can you please share with me an screen of your settings:

i have the Mistokes18 Bios but only need set your same configurations

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Hi what did you use to flash the bios? i’ve bought 12 of these but not having any luck with mining on them

I think with the latest HiveOS update you can overclock directly in HiveOS. Failing that, use the flash utility built into HiveOS under the overclocking tab. Use tongabiosreader to edit the bios.

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