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AMD FirePro W7100 8GB. .... Hidden GEM 42MH

just the normal way… no problems…

So I’ve had this running for about 24 hours and checked the pool:
43.63 MH/s Current
33.61 MH/s Average

About what I have seen. 41-42 Current and 37average over a couple days. I have a fan blowing on it, and have the clocks turn down.

I’ve been using a couple of these cards for a few weeks now. These settings don’t actually effect my cards. I have to mod the bios to effect core or mem speed. Are you sure this actually affects your card? If you run amd-info you should be able to see the changes.

Hi I too am using these cards but im not showing anything near what you guys are. Im around 18 average.
What version of hive are you using?
what amd driver are you using?
what miner version are you using?
what pool are using?
Also could you maybe send me a copy of your cards bios.

Sorry for all the questions. im getting frustrated with these cards!

I noticed that as well. The only thing that seems to affect my settings is setting the DPM to 3 keeps my temp under 70c and reported power consumption around 60w. If I set it to 2 my hashrate shows 35MH/s, and at 4 it overheats. The memory oc and undervolt settings don’t seem to show in amd-info.
-I’m using Hive 0.6-199@210215
-Everything else is bone stock, bios has not been flashed or modded.
-Using Phoenixminer 5.5c. It reports about 40MH/s. I tried lolminer which reported about 18-20MH/s.

  • I’m using 2miners until I reach my payout then I plan to try the Hive pool.
    -I’m assuming the best way to check actual performance is at the pool statistic page? Obviously that fluctuates but yesterday it was showing 43 current/33 average. Today my 7100 along with my 1070 are both down to 25 current/20 average.

I find this card to be awkward. If you don’t mind me asking:
-What are you using to mod the bios? My last rig ran Windows and I just set the OC/UV in the AMD software so this is new to me.

Has anyone tried the w8100 yet?

Today it is running at about 25mh/s reported and actual. But it is running at 58w… so… not bad (especially if they can be had for 150-200), into days pricing market.

Havent tried the 8100 but I believe it is a GCN 2.0 vs a 3.0, but has more CU’s (40 vs 28)… So should be interesting.

Damn, wasnt the answer I was hoping for.

Ok so the mem and volts setting will show. you probably need to run amd-info a couple of times before it will show.

2miners shows an hourly average so it can be deceiving.
I would go try ethermine. I am using both just so i can compare.

This card is awkward but if i can work it out it should turn some nice profit.

Im editing using a hex editor and also using ‘tonga bios reader’. If HAVENT modded a bios before be careful as could potentially end up with an expensive paper weight.

My cards are running at 56MH/s @ 69c using 76w
Getting an average hashrate of 29MH’s @ the pool
I have also resorted to using a older version of the amd driver. However if you dont know linux your probably better sticking with the one provided with hiveos it doesnt make to much difference is hashrate tbh

The w8100 would be better than a w7100 but the price is near enough the same as an rx580. If you going to spend £350 on a card you better buying something that is well tested and supported.


22MH/s at the pool running at 58w is a lot better then the gtx 1080 in my gaming rig did, thats running about 22mh/s at 120w(offcourse not setup perfect for mining) But i doubt you can half the power draw and keep the same mining performance so in that regard a w7100 wich is about 50% of the price is twice as good for mining. And i have seen them for sale at €175, and the company has 15 in stock. If these thing get to the 35MH/s average that could be a nice investment. But on the other hand, someone offerd me their rx5700xt for 300, but thats only 1. Advantage of a rx5700 would offcourse be that its still a decent card for a gamer as wel. So if i want to sell it again it still has value for the consumer market where the w7100 wil probably end up being scrap.

Also there is a S7150x2. won’t have mine until next week which is basically 2 of these on 1 board. and can be had for $300-$400… so I hope!..

take the 5700xt

Wow that’s a nice step up. Any chance you could send me that bios file?

I’ve edited my old rx580 bios years ago on my first rig. I’m just having issues finding much information on this w7100.

Dell or AMD ?

It’s AMD
Few different bios in there for your card!

Awesome. Thank you so much!

Guys… I’m still confused. Are at a consensus that its a false positive, or that its accurate? I mean even if its ~43 MH/s thats still faster than my RX580 at like ~29MH/s.

Cool! I got one for about 180 dollar. Did you do any changes to the bios, or just overclocks?

But yeah, what is the actual hashrate at pool?

Did you find any more information mate?

This si really good, is it also showing 42mhs on pool side?
Can I ask how warm it is in the room where the card is? °C

can anyone get their oc/uv to show up with amd-info? I’ve tried over and over but nothing ever changes.