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3080 OC Settings + Underperforming Cards

These settings have been stable for me for over 3 weeks…bounces between 101.8 and 101.9 MH/s throughout the day.

Stable is great, but ur killing ur memory. 3080s run much hotter than 3070s. 2 MH isnt worth killing ur gpu.
I bet your memory junction temp is over 100c. Bad news for ur memory chip.
Your also using way to many watts
Set absolute core to 1060 and drop about 15 watts each gpu. Your mh will stay the same, then thank me later.

Thats where i am now, how does that look?

Whatt wattages should i set?

Screen Shot 2021-07-08 at 3.25.55 PM
Screen Shot 2021-07-08 at 3.25.55 PM
1502×124 38.3 KB
Thats where i am now, how does that look?

Show it im the miner.
You dont need to set wattage. Absolute core controls that itself.
Lower memory to 2400

No, this screen


1 Like

Much Better, watts dropped alot.
Even 2400 is high, but thats ur call.

What mem setting do you recommend?

Well it really depends on memory junction temps on your GPUs.
Unfortunately the only way to see those temps is running it in windows and use downloadable software called wininfo to see your junction temps.
I benchmarked in windows and used the same settings in hive., so i figure im fine. .3080s are very sensitive to memory temps since they don’t have good cooling abilities.
What Msi gpus are those?

ventus 3x

What MH you at now?

100.2. Whats your recommended clock settings for the 3070’s?

100.2. Whats your recommended clock settings for the 3070’s?

100.2 is real good at only 2400 mem. My 3080s are at 2175 mem. Even 99MH is good.

The screen shot I sent is 3070s and 3080s. You can see which ones are 3070s with the lower watts. You can see my clock settings

What wattage setting do you recommend for the 3070?

You dont use wattage with absolute core clock. Absolute core controls the power limit.
You can put 125 if you want, but it will regulate it itself