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How to get Antminer S10 from two Antminers S9

Antminer S10 is a combination of two Antminers S9 connected to the same power supply unit. To turn your Antminers S9 into Antminer S10, follow these steps:

  1. Get 4.7 K Ohm SMD resistors (9 items) and 18 pin connectors (3 units). Please note that the smaller the resistors are, the easier it will be for you to install them.

  2. Solder 3 pin connectors “into” the yellow squares:


After the solder process is over, you should get something like this:

  1. Now take a look at this picture again:

Next to every pin connector, you should install 3 resistors. We marked their locations with red squares.

  1. After everything is done, you can flash your ASIC with the Hiveon ASIC S10 firmware. You can download it here. Both firmware options, improved and standard, are already available. To learn the difference between improved and standard firmware, check this article.

If you have a standard PSU, we recommend to choose the overclocking profiles up to 1600 W. In case you want higher rates (over 21.5 TH/s), you will need a more powerful PSU.