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Antminer Series 15, Series 17 and Series 9


Beware of the Bitmain firmware limitations:

  • Antminer Series 9 (S9/S9i/S9j/T9/T9+): never upgrade to firmware newer than 10-Jun-2019
  • Antminer Series 17: never upgrade to firmware newer than 01-Dec-2019

All newer versions of official firmware have defensive countermeasures against remote tampering, so you won't be able to install Hive OS Client or Hiveon ASIC Firmware.


You can install Hive OS Client via firmware file download or via SSH.

Three basic install options

1. ASIC web interface

Antminer Series 15, Series 17 and Series 9 models S9k and S9SE

These models are special. They're loading OS right to the RAM in read-only mode. Hive OS Client installation is possible only by upgrading ASIC with a special firmware file. That file contains stock Bitmain firmware with built-in Hive OS client:

After successful flashing, you have to open up ASIC web interface, click Hive OS tab, enter your FARM_HASH and then click Apply&Save button. The page will refresh itself. Wait a minute and worker will appear in the Hive dashboard.

All other Antminer Series 3/7/9

Hive OS Client for Antminer Series 3/7/9, firmware date before 10.06.2019. Just upgrade ASIC firmware with hive_install_unsig_antminers.tar.gz.

2. BTC tools

All things you do with an ASIC web interface you could do better with BTC Tools utility. It's the best choice in case you have ASICs in numbers. Scan your network, select ASICs to update and then click "Firmware Upgrade".

3. SSH

Login with SSH to your miner and run the following command:

cd /tmp && curl -kLsO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minershive/hiveos-asic/master/hive/bin/selfupgrade && sh selfupgrade

For Antminer D3 Blissz, before installation run:

ln -s /usr/lib/libcurl-gnutls.so.4 /usr/lib/libcurl.so.5

Force set up FARM_HASH or RIG ID and password, change API URL:

firstrun or firstrun FARM_HASH - set when there is no config

firstrun -f or firstrun FARM_HASH -f - force set to replace the config

Default SSH logins and passwords:

Antminer - default user: root, default password: admin

Innosilicon - default (ssh/telnet) user:root, default password: blacksheepwall or innot1t2 or t1t2t3a5

If other login and password values were set up before you, then reset the ASIC to the factory settings. To do this, on the turned on ASIC, hold the ipreport and reset buttons, hold for 20 seconds, turn off the power supply, without releasing the pressed buttons. Wait for 10 seconds, without releasing the ipreport and reset buttons, turn on the power supply and hold ipreport and reset for 20 more seconds. Then release and wait for the load.

Options for automation

Promptless installation

You could add ASIC without entering RIG_ID, password and API Server URL.

To add ASIC without entering RIG_ID and password, you should fill FARM_HASH variable.

Get your FARM_HASH from Hiveon OS dashboard. Replace your_farm_hash string you see below with your FARM_HASH. Transform the text below and then run as a single command:

cd /tmp && curl -kLsO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minershive/hiveos-asic/master/hive/bin/selfupgrade && sh selfupgrade --farm-hash=YOUR_FARM_HASH

To use another API Server, you should fill HIVE_HOST_URL variable.

Replace http://your_api_server string you see below with your API Server URL. Transform the text below and then run as a single command:

cd /tmp && curl -kLsO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minershive/hiveos-asic/master/hive/bin/selfupgrade && sh selfupgrade --hive-host-url=http://your_api_server

Of course you could set FARM_HASH and API Server simultaneously.

Replace your_farm_hash string you see below with your FARM_HASH. Replace http://your_api_server string you see below with your API Server URL. Transform the text below and then run as a single command:

cd /tmp && curl -kLsO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minershive/hiveos-asic/master/hive/bin/selfupgrade && sh selfupgrade --farm-hash=YOUR_FARM_HASH --hive-host-url=http://your_api_server

Bulk installation

You can install Hiveon OS Client on all the ASICs you have on your local network. For this you need to have a running Linux box (like Hiveon OS GPU rig) or Antminer ASIC with Hiveon OS Client. You could do it with just three commands.

  1. Skip this step if you're on the ASIC with Hiveon OS Client. Install sshpass and curl:

apt-get install -y sshpass curl

  1. Download script:

cd /tmp && curl -kLsO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minershive/hiveos-asic/master/hive/hive-asic-net-installer/download.sh && sh download.sh

  1. Execute it:

cd /tmp/hive-bulk-install

Edit config.txt to set your FARM_HASH or firmware URL, edit ips.txt to set IPs list of your new ASICs. Or you can scan the local network to search for Antminer. Example: ipscan.sh > ips.txt

To install Hiveon OS Client just run install.sh.

To install firmware on Antminer S9/i/j just run firmware.sh.

Optionally, you can add WORKER_NAME to ips.txt (e.g. asic_01).

When IP was being processed then it will become #commented.

Other models

Antminer S9 signed (please use Hiveon firmware)

Hiveon ASIC installation - Antminer S9 Cannot Find Signature Fix

Hiveon ASIC firmware 1.02 for S9 installation manual

Antminer S9, S10

For Antminer S9 and S10, changing firmware to Hiveon ASIC is possible only via SD card.

Antminer S17/S17 Pro/T17

Hiveon ASIC firmware installation manual

Innosilicon new models

Hiveon OS Client installation manual for Innosilicon

Innosilicon old models

Note: some Innosilicon factory firmware have a memory leak, and ASIC freezes every few days. To solve this problem, you can enable the miner or ASIC reboot for every 24 hours. Run the following commands:

inno-reboot miner enable/disable
inno-reboot asic enable/disable
inno-reboot status

Todek Toddminer C1

sudo su - cd /tmp && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minershive/hiveos-asic/master/hive/bin/selfupgrade && bash selfupgrade

or, if you need to use FARM_HASH

sudo su - cd /tmp && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minershive/hiveos-asic/master/hive/bin/selfupgrade && bash selfupgrade --farm-hash=YOUR_FARM_HASH

Zig Z1+

Hiveon OS Client installation manual for Zig Z1+

sudo su - cd /tmp && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minershive/hiveos-asic/master/hive/bin/selfupgrade && bash selfupgrade

or, if you need to use FARM_HASH

sudo su - cd /tmp && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minershive/hiveos-asic/master/hive/bin/selfupgrade && selfupgrade --farm-hash=YOUR_FARM_HASH

Start working in Hiveon OS


To link ASIC to your Hive Farm you could use these options, sorted by ease:

  • Hiveon OS tab in the ASIC web interface (simpliest!)
  • firstrun command via SSH
  • Download a special .tar.gz file via BTC Tools (mass deployment)

In all cases, you'll need the FARM_HASH string. You will find it in Hiveon OS dashboard, right in the farm's Settings tab.

Create and Apply the Flight Sheet

To start mining, be sure to create a Flight Sheet first. Apply it to start hashing.

Useful commands

asic-find (Antminer)

To search for an Antminer ASIC among a large number of ASICs, you can flash a red LED on it. To do this, execute the command via the web interface or via SSH:

asic-find 5

The red LED will be blinking for 5 minutes.

Rename the workers

To rename the workers in the Hive web interface as the hostname, run the command from the web interface:

hello hostname

Downgrade and version change

If you want to install specific version or downgrade please append version as an argument to selfupgrade. E.g. 0.1-02:

cd /tmp && curl -kLsO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minershive/hiveos-asic/master/hive/bin/selfupgrade && sh selfupgrade 0.1-02

To see all selfupgrade options, run selfupgrade --help

To install specific version you should provide a release number: selfupgrade 0.1-14

If you want to reinstall current version, add --force: selfupgrade --force

To install stable development version, run selfupgrade master

To install night build development version directly from Github, run selfupgrade master --github



Cron jobs might have to be removed manually with crontab -e, even if they are left there they would do nothing.

Recovery boot images


You can find recovery boot images at repository (highly recommended) or Bitmain's official site.

Please note the two different file formats of recovery images:

  • .img file. It's a raw disk image. Should be written to SD with a special imaging software.

  • .zip file. A ZIP archive containing files like u-boot.img and uImage.bin inside. Unzip that file to SD card formatted with FAT32.

  • S9 Recovery image

  • S17 Hiveon recovery image

  • S17, S17 Pro, T17

    • Download recovery boot image
    • Use SD card <16 Gb
    • Format SD card with FAT32
    • Unzip it to SD card
    • Boot ASIC with SD card
    • ASIC booted in recovery mode
    • Flash any suitable old stock Bitmain firmware (.tar.gz format) via web interface.

In case of issues, please read Bitmain's control board program recovery manual.