Script for the easy installation of AMD Drivers on Hive OS/Ubuntu based OS:
Hive OS AMD driver
Please note: Drivers with the 18.04 suffix require an OS upgrade.
Please note: We recommend not to remove drivers when upgrading.
AMD driver update Hive OS
root@Miner:~# ./
Stopping screen session 21798
Please note Drivers with the 18.04 suffix require an OS upgrade
1) 16.40-348864-ubuntu-16.04 10) 18.10-572953-ubuntu-16.04
2) 16.60-379184-ubuntu-16.04 11) 18.20-606296-ubuntu-18.04
3) 17.10-429170-ubuntu-16.04 12) 18.30-641594-ubuntu-18.04
4) 17.10-450821-ubuntu-16.04 13) 18.30-641594-ubuntu-16.04
5) 17.30-458935-ubuntu-16.04 14) 18.40-673869-ubuntu-16.04
6) 17.30-465504-ubuntu-16.04 15) 18.40-697810-ubuntu-18.04
7) 17.40-492261-ubuntu-16.04 16) 18.50-725072-ubuntu-18.04
8) 17.40-483984-ubuntu-16.04 17) Quit
9) 17.50-511655-ubuntu-16.04
Please enter your choice Drivers:
Then the program will ask if you want to remove current driver before installing new ones.
For a guided installation enter the following 3 commands:
chmod +x ./
We’ve tested the script and it’s working. But please note it’s still in beta, so feel free to report issues and provide as many details as possible (like what you did recently and what you are running, and so on).
Hive OS update AMD drivers
To update AMD drivers - upgrade your Hive OS image to the latest version. Updating AMD drivers separately is not recommended.