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XFX 5700 XT Modding in RBE + MPT

Greetings. I have a rig that uses 8 x 5700 XT cards running on a HiveOS USB. (I have to use the Beta version of HiveOS for these cards for the software to recognize and provide better descriptions for the graphics cards). Using the online interface, I was able to extract the original bios from each of the graphics cards and I saved each original bios image into its own file name.

I then loaded each Bios, one at a time, into RBE and modified the VRAM timings. After modification, I saved each bios image to its own filename reflecting that I had modified it.

I then uploaded the modified files back to HiveOS and then applied each modified bios to the same card that I obtained the original bios from as I am not sure of any differences of the Bios between the cards, e.g., some cards use Samsung Memory while others use Micron memory.

Card #0: Radeon RX 5700 XT 8176 MB · XFX Micron GDDR6 113-230LNAVIXT612_8GD6_MS_W8
Card #1: Radeon RX 5700 XT 8176 MB · XFX Samsung GDDR6 113-230LNAVIXT612_8GD6_MS_W8
Card #2: Radeon RX 5700 XT 8176 MB · XFX Samsung GDDR6 113-230LNAVIXT612_8GD6_MS_W8
Card #3: Radeon RX 5700 XT 8176 MB · XFX Samsung GDDR6 113-180W2NAVI10XT8GD6_MS_191122_W8
Card #4: Radeon RX 5700 XT 8176 MB · XFX Samsung GDDR6 113-180W2NAVI10XT8GD6_MS_191122_W8
Card #5: Radeon RX 5700 XT 8176 MB · XFX Micron GDDR6 113-230LNAVIXT612_8GD6_MS_W8
Card #6: Radeon RX 5700 XT 8176 MB · XFX Samsung GDDR6 113-230LNAVIXT612_8GD6_MS_W8
Card #7: Radeon RX 5700 XT 8176 MB · XFX Micron GDDR6 113-230LNAVIXT612_8GD6_MS_W8

With all that out of the way, I have a question about using MPT. I found a guide to use MPT to further modify the bios of each card ( However, it seems that I cannot obtain the MPT file in the first place. In other words, I do not know how to go about creating or otherwise obtaining the MPT file in the first place. I was thinking that I could somehow create the MPT file from the original bios image (or from the RBE modified bios image) as the default values would be untouched at this point.

I have searched Google for guides on how to use MPT, but it seems that “it just works” or somehow MPT is being used for a card that is already plugged into a Windows machine.

Am I missing something?


And PS: Is it really necessary for me to create a modified bios image for each card or will one bios image work for all the cards, regardless of the differences in the descriptions of the cards?

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I went ahead and took a couple of screen shots regarding my card OC configs and worker display. I am new to this and I appreciated it when other people posted their screen shots as well. I know that I can get about 57MH from the Micron cards … the Samsung cards are very picky about their OC settings.

Settings in use and results after applying modded VRAM timings using RBE alone. No MPT settings have changed (yet).

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You have done pretty well with what you have for your first go at modding.
As far as having a modded bios for each card it isnt neccessary if all the cards are the same make and model.
1 modded BIOS will do.
As far as MPT goes, the only way you can use it is to plug one of your cards into a windows machine.
Once installed and the drivers installed you can then run MPT.
Your card will be displayed from the pull down list.
You then make any mods you need to and when finished you then save the mpt file.
You cant modify the mpt file in more power tools without the card being installed.
Sucks I know.

LOL. That’s cool. These 5700 XT’s are so large in size that I cannot fit one of them into my current windows machine. Now that I know that I have to connect a 5700 XT to a Windows machine first, perhaps I will use a riser and all the needed hardware to install one outside of my windows machine to grab the first MPT file and then I’ll have at least something to mess around with. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the information about the bios files. I’ll experiment with one master 5700 XT modded bios file and use it across all my 5700 XT cards.

Again, cheers! :beers:

You can learn about the MPT and the difference in Micron/Samsung memory performance at

There is an ongoing conversation about optimizing 5700 XT cards.



Could you use the risers from your rig to connect the GPU?

Also, I loaded my MPT from the downloaded vBIOS.

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Yeah, I made that post when I was rather new at things. Now my procedure is to hook up cards to a rig (using risers) and just use HiveOS to pull out the default bios first. I save each bios from each card locally to a thumb drive. Then I change the bios for each card.

do you mind to share your BIOS ?
I have 5700 XT XFX RAW 2, hiveos see it with unknown memory. I tried all beta version of hiveos and still can’t get card fully recognized

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