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Wrong coin address in the wallet


I’m mining ETH but unfortunately I had the address for ETH Classic entered in my HiveOs wallet.
I reached 0.1 ETH yesterday and waited for payment. The money from HiveOs left, but of course they didn’t come into the Exodus wallet because of a bad coin.

Now I have changed the address in the HiveOs wallet to the correct ETH coin, but the conversion was already done yesterday and the mining started from 0.

Do you have any idea please how to proceed and get back the payment made from yesterday?

Thank you. Lubo

It is possible to get those ETH sent to ETC blockchain since you own that address. It is tricky and you will need to do a bit of reading. Try googling for something like “sent eth to etc blockchain”. Basically, if you are the owner of an ETH account (you own a private key), then you own the same address on ETC blockchain. And this is where you sent your 0.1 ETH. You will need to use ETC wallet and access it with ETH address and private key. And then send this 0.1 back to your original ETH wallet. Do some proper reading and you’ll be fine.

Thank you! You helped me.

Hi there! I have like a similar problem and I wanted to ask you about my situation. I have been mining to an invalid address :frowning: and I cant find the private keys or the wallet app of where that address came from. Is there any way to transfer or fix this without loosing my pay outs ? or How can I find the wallet owner or provider with my public address?

In additon, I just found that I used the HIVE OS - FARM_HASH: “address” I was a bit un trained and trying something new and I guess I assumed that was the address to make a wallet under “wallet” (tab) and mined to that address.

Thank you in advance if any suggestions :slight_smile:

Just a note: If using Coinbase they do change your wallet addresses daily in a running list. I noticed this early on and thought I got hacked, but found out Coinbase does this for security reasons. Any prior address you copied off Coinbase to receive funds will work. They are all in your list of addresses for that coin.

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