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Workers changing from ETH to ETC by its self even ETC is not defined. Support needed

Hello there,

since 3 days im trying to resolve an problem:

Having 5 rigs (Workers in 1 farm).
1 rig is switching from defined ETH to ETC by its self to an unknown ETC adress but not mine as i dont have it defined in the flight sheet. The flight sheet is defined to ETH adress on Hive pool. It starts to mine there but after some time it restarts and begins to mine ETC!

Second rig is defined to RVN on nanopool (6x4GB AMD pulse cards). Starts to mine RVN on my RVN adress after some time it switches by it self to ETC even it is not defined in the flight sheet!

Same problem is with other rigs where I mine ETH - on hive pool but from my adress it changes on another adress mining ETH.

As it was suspicious I completely formatet the disks, flashed it again with Hive OS, changed the passwords for the rigs, dowloaded the !New rig config with the changed passwords, changed the Hive os console account password but nothing helps. The rigs mine what they want, they start what they ment to mine but then after a time (15min -60 min) they change the addresses or even the coins. I even changed the account settings that I pay by ballance not by mining fee for Hive as I have already 5 rigs, updated the flightsheets and anyway same problem…

Has anyone any explanation what is going on? How to fix it?

I was testing Hive with 2 rigs on ETH for almost a month without any problem.

Please help me to solve this issue!


solved with the following:

“You need to do it from hive shell . Give the command
hive-passwd new_pass -w
Will change the password in the web interface (replace new_pass with your password)”

Thank you!

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