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Worker API servers blocked by firewalls

It seems to me that there have been a firewall update in the office I work in.

Causing some unintended side effects for my miner being blocked in some essential connection, meaning that I am unable to connect to 80, getting 403-s when I would try to get a miner.

I am not that good at networking, but would it be as simple to only get that above mentioned IP white listed? Or does it require something more? I was trying to look up a list of IPs, but haven’t found it quick (didn’t spent to much time on it…)

I just want to avoid, if possible bugging the network/IT support team responsible for the firewalls multiple times if I can avoid.

Did anybody had similar issues?

Thank you

Edit - Or am I on the wrong track completely?
Edit2 - Ofc, it seems like these are not static IPs, should have known

Are you having connection issues? The mirrors being blocked shouldn’t matter as long as the default servers are still working

Sorry for the late response. As far as I see, it seems to me that the page where HiveOS would pull the miners lib-s is blocked.
(this one - Index of /repo/binary/)

I only worked on network building before where security was handled by others, but I think since it seems to use a dynamic IP, I will need to whitelist the URL, right?

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