Anyone know the difference between v10 vs v11 claymore?
I can mine on v10.xx but when I select miner 11.xx everything starts up OK but it never starts mining .
Here is config and log for 11.xx .
I have tried with and without -oldkernels 1 but it doesnt work.
#Management port, readonly
-mport -3333
#run reboot.sh on GPU hangs
-r 1
#Log to the same file
-logfile /var/log/miner/claymore/lastrun_noappend.log
#Target temp
-tt 68
#reduce entire mining intensity (for all coins)
-ttli 76
#stop GPU temperature
-tstop 82
-allpools 1
#Only Ethereum
-mode 1
-oldkernels 1
=== /hive/claymore/latest/epools.txt =================================================
POOL: eu1.ethermine.org:4444, WALLET: 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, PSW: x
ETH: 1 pool is specified
Main Ethereum pool is eu1.ethermine.org:4444
At least 16 GB of Virtual Memory is required for multi-GPU systems
Make sure you defined GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100
Be careful with overclocking, use default clocks for first tests
Press "s" for current statistics, "0".."9" to turn on/off cards, "r" to reload pools, "e" or "d" to select current pool, "x" to select GPU, "z" to find best -dcri values
OpenCL initializing...
AMD Cards available: 5
GPU #0: Ellesmere (Radeon RX 580 Series), 7836 MB available, 36 compute units (pci bus 1:0:0)
GPU #0 recognized as Radeon RX 480/580
GPU #1: Ellesmere (Radeon RX 580 Series), 8071 MB available, 36 compute units (pci bus 2:0:0)
GPU #1 recognized as Radeon RX 480/580
GPU #2: Ellesmere (Radeon RX 580 Series), 8071 MB available, 36 compute units (pci bus 3:0:0)
GPU #2 recognized as Radeon RX 480/580
GPU #3: Ellesmere (Radeon RX 580 Series), 8071 MB available, 36 compute units (pci bus 4:0:0)
GPU #3 recognized as Radeon RX 480/580
GPU #4: Ellesmere (Radeon RX 580 Series), 8071 MB available, 36 compute units (pci bus 5:0:0)
GPU #4 recognized as Radeon RX 480/580
POOL/SOLO version
AMD ADL library not found.
GPU #0: algorithm ASM 1 (old kernels)
GPU #1: algorithm ASM 1 (old kernels)
GPU #2: algorithm ASM 1 (old kernels)
GPU #3: algorithm ASM 1 (old kernels)
GPU #4: algorithm ASM 1 (old kernels)
No NVIDIA CUDA GPUs detected.
Total cards: 5
You can use "+" and "-" keys to achieve best ETH speed, see "FINE TUNING" section in Readme for details.
GPU0 t=45C fan=22%, GPU1 t=40C fan=22%, GPU2 t=40C fan=22%, GPU3 t=40C fan=22%, GPU4 t=37C fan=22%