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Withdraw 0,1 eth, change wallet polygon?

i set up eth wallet and started to mine, now i have 0,1 and the payout is 0,2. Ive seen that i can use polygon to withdraw 0,005 eth, but does that mean i need to change wallet? If so, there is no mined ETH on new wallet?
Can anyone help a noobie like me, how to withdraw my 0,1 eth now?
Thank you

You can manually withdraw on polygon network and receive wrapped eth to any wallet that you hold the keys for, so don’t use polygon if you’re using an exchange deposit eth address or similar.

You can manually withdraw .0005 eth or more on the mainnet as well if you cover gas fees.

Hello. I have a problem. I unwittingly sent 0.1 eth to my wallet in Coinbase and now I do not receive the amount, but it says that the transaction is successful, what should I do?

only use polygon with wallets you control the private keys for. you can ask coinbase, but its likely lost. this is why the warning says what it says and you have to check that you understood before requestiong withdraw on polygon.

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Thank you for helping me.
I still have problem of understanding, what to do, since i might be not able to finish 0,2 eth on my added wallet in pool. So there is only option to withdraw it via polygon? Or the eth will be forever stuck in pool, since i will not reach 0,2?
Thank you guys

Do you want wrapped eth on polygon or eth on mainnet? If you don’t reach .2 and want eth on mainnet manually withdraw it there, just set your threshold, and gas fee limit and request a payout

@keaton_hiveon I been seeing a lot of confusion about the polygon payouts. Maybe a popup window that explains thing further when they click on the checkbox? At least for a few months till people get more familiar?

if people aren’t reading the message in yellow following a warning symbol, or the message that says you understand to not send it to an exchange, and the only way to get past is to click that you understand, why do you think they would read yet another popup? is this message not clear?


Do people read warnings? NO lol Doesn’t mater how clear the wording is.

Maybe big red wording, but many people don’t understand that polygon works differently. They just see that you get paid at a lower threshold and at lower costs. You can exchange wEth <> Eth, but not sure people understand the difference

Many aren’t hardcore users, but many hobbyists and newbies. So they might not know enough to know they might mess things up

Guess the last messages got lost when you restored the forum?


if people aren’t reading the message in yellow following a warning symbol, or the message that says you understand to not send it to an exchange, and the only way to get past is to click that you understand, why do you think they would read yet another popup? is this message not clear?

NO lol you usually just click to get through the hoops to do what you want. Too many sites have trained us to do that

I was thinking not of a text popup :slight_smile: rather a video popup. At least until your first polygon payout. Whenever you select the polygon chain you would get that popup. Maybe have this enabled for a few months, to allow people start getting the hang of it?

Something simple, like a whiteboard animation?

Alternatively could be a popup window you have to interact to acknowledge not to use exchange wallets, before it allows you to proceed? People losing their crypto won’t be happy even if they are the ones that messed up

From Coinbase:
"Thank you for providing the necessary information. I’m sorry to hear you’re having issues with your transaction and I’m happy to help explain.

I’ve reviewed the transaction hash provided and it appears the funds were sent on a network not supported by Coinbase. When this happens, we are not able to retrieve these funds because we simply don’t have access to them. If Coinbase decides to list this asset on our platform for this network at a later date, please reach back out to us if your account is not automatically credited with these funds."
Be Careful friends :). 280$ now in the air :smiley:

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