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Why this sh*t so slow?

Anyone would know why all hiveos is so slow? I pay between $ 20 and $ 30 a month, and it never works! either there is an error or it is slow as death, on pc as on mobile app

I have the same thing all the time, and often rigs offline when nothing actually happens

Exactly the same thing here. It has been an absolute sh!t show the last couple of days. Slow to load and stats disappearing more and more frequently these days. A really poor show all round.

At least I’m not the only one tried on 3 devices keeps doing this I’m sure it won’t be a long term thing

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Same here! A bit frustrating when you want to work on your rig.

Atleast mining is not affected!

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I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one. what is annoying is that this service is deteriorating day by day is chargeable, it would be free we would just have to do with it, but in this case it is not normal.
And once again, it’s been 1h since I try to update this damn page and no way, “failed to fetch blablabla”

new since last night, I have received telegram notif to say some rigs are offline when they are not. on 10 notif received 9 are false

No news about that ? still can’t see my workers, only the gpus

Ah ! little new error message today

en tout cas le site marche du feu de dieu




I’m glad to pay 30$/month for this