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Which means yellow color?

since yesterday my machines have some yellow color, what is this?

:desktop_computer: Web Interface update

:heavy_check_mark:New feature added: Warning indications for GPU and ASIC boards.

This indicates problems that may require your attention, but aren’t halting operations. For example; high or no temps, low ratio, driver dumps.

This will be indicated with a yellow frame/tooltip/number both in the stat blocks at the top of the page and in the farm block (account level).

:heavy_check_mark:Added target memory temperature setting for Coolbox controllers.

:heavy_check_mark:Export selected workers to CSV file.

:heavy_check_mark:Added dual mode for TeamRedMiner.

:heavy_check_mark:Improvements to the farm block (account level).

Now displays the total number of workers and workers “without hashrate”.

:zap:Support for the new Wind Tank fan controller.

:zap:Remote Access Services Management right from the Web Interface to minimize/exclude unauthorized access to the worker.

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